The author of new gun-grabbing bill is an idiot

in #politics4 years ago

A redneck like me would automatically not want to side with any politician that authors a 250 page bill that is essentially designed to take away guns from law-abiding people and also turn those law abiding people into criminals if they don't comply with a crazy amount of new regulations.

A redneck would fight this sort of legislator to the very end even if this person was intelligent. However, it becomes even more despicable when the person who seeks to take away your rights doesn't seem like he has even a minor level of basic intelligence.


It's called HR 5717 and it already has 18 co-sponsors and if you wanted to guess that they were all Democrats that sponsored it, you would be correct. The person who claims to have authored the bill, which is seriously doubt because it wasn't written in crayon and it was spelled correctly, is Henry "Hank" Calvin Johnson Jr.

It doesn't surprise me that this person is an extremely left-leaning Democrat trying to make a name for himself and no, i am not worried that this bill will pass because it wont and I hate that I have to thank the Republicans for that but honestly that's the reason why it is very unlikely to gain traction and will merely be used as a method of attempting to make any Republican look like someone who doesn't care about children's lives.. We can probably expect some sort of shooting between now and November in order to bring more attention to this issue. The one in Canada won't cut it! We'll need our own.

Ok, so the reason why this bill pisses me off so much isn't so much that it is being proposed, this happens all the time and is part of the reason why Democrats will never appeal to rednecks. The reason it pisses me off is because the long-winded man who is introducing it, and almost certainly didn't write it, apparently doesn't know how to think and this is evidenced by this video.

Most of the video is just him babbling on and wasting time in a Congressional hearing, but skip ahead to 1:20 to hear how unimaginably ignorant this person is.

These are our leaders in USA. This man from Georgia actually has people who support him and donate money to his re-election campaign. This man thinks that islands can tip over if too many people live on it. I can't even begin to understand the extreme level of blinding stupidity that needs to exist in a person for them to think that sort of thing and no, he is not saying this ironically.

Children know that islands can't tip over... someone who is in charge of making laws really should.


I'm from South Georgia and sadly this does not surprise me. I only go home about once a year so I don't particularly follow everything going on down there.

When I do watch the news down there, I'm reminded that there are sections of the state where IQs are lower than room temperature - and I ain't talking about the country folk. They have their ways but they tend to be able to think.

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