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RE: I want to know what you think about the US Election

in #politics3 years ago

Well what do you know, I actually live in Michigan, so lucky you! :) There is a really good chance that DT was leading in Michigan. This is the way I understand it: They can't start counting absentee ballots (like mine) until the polls close. So that is where you are getting the large dump of votes for Biden suddenly. It may look suspect, but it isn't simply because so many people choose to vote absentee this year due to Covid or whatever (I work away from my home city, so I choose absentee to ensure my vote gets in and counts). The election board went to the courts before the election requesting permission to start counting the mail in ballots early, but the courts denied that request.

So here we are. That is Michigan at least. I can't speak for the other states. I think the bigger concern is the fact that knowing what we all know about DT now, close to half the voters were still okay voting for him. I agree with you, it probably isn't going to matter. Nothing really ever changes. Until the get rid of corporate lobbies, the two party system, and the electoral college, we are probably never going to see anything different.

I do think the Democratic party needs to take a long hard look at what is going on and try to figure out what makes DT so appealing despite his bigotry, narcissism, and selfishness. The fact that people are so willing to look past all of that is mind boggling to me. I am not saying Biden is without fault, but it kind of reminds me of that old saying about letting people think you are an idiot or opening your mouth and removing all doubt. It doesn't help that the Catholic church promotes DT solely because of the abortion issue. That's a huge chunk of the population right there blindly voting.


if a ton of voter fraud is detected, it is going to confirm what I have thought for many years in that I think that fraud is a big part of the entire electoral process in USA as well as the rest of the world. This opinion of mind first started when Ron Paul was running in the Republican Primary back in whatever year that was.

The small community i lived in had basically nothing but Ron Paul signs up in yards, basically everyone I knew was enthusiastically voting for someone for the first time in their lives, the lines were long for a primary and people were all chanting "Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul" while waiting. Then the results were released the next day and Ron Paul got 1.5% of the vote. More than 1.5% of the entire city's population was at the polling station at the same time that I was there. So from that point forward I started to think that votes may not even be counted at all and it is all a charade.

I truly don't believe the President actually CAN accomplish anything with the house and senate always blocking everything. It's just the executive orders that matter and the fact that they can command military power without the approval of congress to a certain degree.

I hope that the populations, who voted in record numbers (or did they? - if there was fraud) at least start to focus more on local elections because those are the ones that more directly affect their lives yet are the ones that almost no one pays any attention to.

I can agree with you on a lot of that. Especially the last part. My wife and I were talking the other day about who won what with our local elections and we got talking about parties. I told her I didn't think it really mattered at the township level. They are more interested in just helping the community. It doesn't matter as much if the township supervisor or road commissioner is a democrat or republican. There may have been some fraud (probably on both sides), but I don't feel it was anywhere near the level that he is claiming. His speech last night was just baseless and ignorant.

i didn't watch the speech, you can count on everyone who is making a speech (except for maybe Rand Paul) to be filled with the usual partisan BS. The good news for me is that i don't care who is in the White House because the way the Senate and House are ending up everything is going to be deadlocked and nothing is going to get done aside from executive orders again for 4 years.