Demmunists berserk rage and Schiff impression of Dr. Strangelove

in #politics4 years ago (edited)

Tucker Carlson talks about Schiff's impression of Dr.Strangelove:

I've mentioned this before... Russia is the wrong enemy if we mean to be a Christian nation.

The Deep-State and Military-Industrial complex want Russia as a permanent adversary because Russia is the only theoretical adversary which can justify the sums of money they like to spend and the lifestyles to which they are accustomed. If anything truly bad or horrible were to actually threaten Russia, they'd move heaven and Earth to prevent that happening since, without Russia, they'd all have to find real jobs. The horror of that boggles the mind.

Russia is a Christian nation and we simply should not have weapons pointed at Christians or to be tolerating anybody using the kind of stupid rhetoric that Schiff uses. The little pencilneck accuses Russia of invading Ukraine. A real Russian invasion of Ukraine would last 24 hours or less:

Russia has deliberately held off doing anything overly drastic with Ukraine. They view Ukraine as a fellow Slavic orthodox nation and assume that the Nazi government which Bork Obunga, George Soros and Victoria Nuland put in place in Kiev in 2014 is temporary and that normal relations with Ukraine will be re-established once that is gone. That appears to be happening in fact and you have to also note that no European countries are experiencing any difficulties dealing with Russia recently.

Pencilneck and Waddler talk about us supplying Ukraine with sniper rifles... Those are basically terrorist weapons.


The 2014 Nazi government... actually that's an insult to Nazis which may not really be warranted, the Azov fools look more like Huns or Vandals or an LA street gang of some sort... sought to impose harsh conditions on the Russian speaking Eastern part of Ukraine and Crimea, and Crimea, which has belonged to Russia for most of the past several centuries, voted overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine and then rejoin Russia and Russians have built a fabulous new bridge to the place from the Russian mainland.

Pencilneck was talking about"Russian Collusion(TM)" as if that entire pile of BS hadn't been totally debunked. Bill Binney and other real experts have demonstrated that the Internet itself simply does not have the bandwidth for anybody outside of the DNC building to have taken the amount of data claimed in the time in question; what happened was a download of data onto a local usb device and not a hack. They're banking on Hitler's claim that a big lie can't ever be totally put to rest or buried.

This is what I tell people about Russian Collusion:

Part of the problem I have with this whole thing involves Christianity. Christians get persecuted all over the world these days, and I've waited a long time to see any politician with the power to do anything about it say something, anything at all about protecting Christians and Christianity in this world and until just recently with the rise of Donald Trump, the only taker I'd seen was Vladimir Putin. In particular, if the people we've supported in Syria until recently had ever taken that place over, there would be no Christians in Syria. Putin has saved Christianity in Syria and, in fact, he has made the protection of Christians into a formal priority in Russian foreign policy.

And then there is the case of Hunter-Gatherer Biden:

and other demmunists who appear to have made Ukraine into a private corruption preserve of some sort...

The demmunist impeachment managers spent an entire day hammering the narrative that the claims against Bidens were totally bogus and that Donald Trump had committed an impeachable offense in trying to shed some light on that situation.

They say that those who the gods would destroy, they first make mad; clearly, the gods are holding up their end of that bargain in this case; let's hope President Trump's legal staff and GOP senators can hold up theirs.