Giuliani, the impeachment coup, and Biden corruption

in #politics4 years ago (edited)

Tucker Carlton mentioned the fact that Adam Schiff used the word "Russia" something like fifty times in his multi-hour tirade the other day. Something about Emperor Ming the Merciless from Moscow seeking to enslave the entire universe and forcibly convert the entire universe to heterosexuality or something like that.

The virulent new wave of Russophobia amongst demmunists, libtards, snowflakes etc. should be understood as follows:

The idiots are completely freaked at the idea that Russia, having had a 70 year look at communism, finally arrived at an understanding of communism for what it actually is, i.e. a bunch of bullshit, and have reverted to their natural Christian heritage, culture, and civilization.

Demmunists and libtards don't have any heritage, culture, or civilization. You can understand the frustration this must cause for them.

Of course, the entire little schtick which the dems have presented this week hinge on the claim that there was never anything to the claims of Joe or Hunter Biden engaging in corrupt or nefarious activities in Ukraine. That claim is bogus and Rudy Giuliani, who has been investigating Biden and other democrat activities associated with Ukraine has started to release that information:

And the door for it is open:

It is quickly becoming apparent that more than one or two or three democrats have been using Ukraine as some sort of a private preserve for corrupt practices and enriching themselves at US taxpayer expense and this appears to be a major part of what is driving this impeachment coup attempt.

Two things to keep in mind...

One, the most corrupt thing to happen in Ukraine any time recently was the original Soros/Nuland/Obunga "color revolution" overthrow of the legitimate government of Ukraine in 2014 in the first place, and

Two, there is another main motive for the coup attempt coming from London/Wall St. bankers. Those villains see their entire system melting down in the near future and they want Trump out of office before that happens. The guy is simplly too smart, too many ways he'd be apt to do something intelligent. protect Main St. America and the American physical economy, re-enact that Glass/Steagall law, put the zombie banks out of their misery etc. etc.