[VIDEO] Bernie would have beaten me, and I’m man enough to admit it. But without blockchain technology, the Democrats will steal the election from me like they stole it from Bernie.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I love America. The freedom I have as an American has allowed me to answer your call to action. I'm obviously not running for president for personal gain. I have more than I need already. I'm running for president because the American people want their country back.

Americans are not stupid. They have bills too. They know what it's like to have to cut their spending. And they know that we can't afford to pay higher taxes to fund the war. Or should I say "wars."

The War in Syria

The War on ISIS


The War in Afghanistan

on Osama

and Al Qaeda

The War on Terror

One war I just might keep fighting, however, is my absolute favorite.



Just as the Venezuelans realize that some foreign group of Toyota truckers didn't steal their freedoms, rather they were taken from them by their own government, Americans know that we cannot afford to raise taxes to put our kids in jail for relaxing their mind.

"Woah, did I really say that?"


You can either vote for the freedom to live in a land where everyone is free to eat, drink, and say what they please as long as it does no harm to others. Or you can vote for the status quo:

And speaking of Americans waking up realizing that they are smarter and morally superior to their elected officials, I have to state this for the record:

"The Debbie Wassermans who make peaceful revolution impossible are making violent revolution inevitable"


Yes, it's true that Americans now realize that if blockchain technology had been used to secure the election ballots, then Bernie would be running against me tomorrow.

All governments that receive taxes are socialistic to some extent, but not all Socialist governments are corrupt. Americans understand that it is not the type of government that makes it good or bad, rather it is the amount of corruption in its officials that make it turn against its own people.

Hey, look at that. The government knew about the lead in your water months before they told you about it. Did you vote for them?

Americans are not stupid. They know that if they continue voting for the status quo, then it means that they will not have the same access to information that is critical to the health and survival of their children. Here is an example of someone's child who is unable to take a photo at the grocery store. He is being forbidden from showing us what his life is like without facing jail or worse.


Venezuelans are not stupid enough to believe anyone other than their own government is imposing restrictions on their freedom to use a cell phone.


But one thing is certain, Americans would rather support the pope himself rather than dine exclusively upon Maduro Menudo (ketchup and noodles):

If you are being oppressed, then send a post to the global public utility and you will be rewarded. STEEM is a global public utility, a genuine social program, where you can ask for financial help. Banks are already using digital currency and they are no more proficient at securing your funds than Mt Gox:


Of course, some banking establishments are more secure than others, Coinbase being a rather notable exception considering their proven ability to utilize modern technology such as paper wallets.

Maduro Menudo recipe cited from:



YIKES is this edited @inertia what is the way i can check hive block explorer to see if a post has been edited doesnt it say if its been edited here like youtube comments?

https://t.me/projectcamelot @projectcamelot #projectcamelot Kerry Kassidy TRUMP TV show liek 60 Mins incoming


how can i tell if this post was edited after recently, after the election scandal? Anyway to see when this was modified on chain with hive

oh nevermind found it here https://hiveblockexplorer.com/@trump

hive block explorer

but i cant find where he made that post maybe because it was from steem ?

rememebr when you explained how @dan was showing people how you coudl edit a post and then have to look it up on chain to see what someoen originally wrote?

Holy shit you have a little tool to tell if a post was revised gahahaha hahaha
How would i have ever found that unless i asked? You guys hide all your best tools

We need one single hive website where its just like hive.io but one permanent list like a frozen condenser where its like a witness election page but for posts and these will all be technical manuals and documentation instructions and tools etc


How would i have ever found that unless i asked? You guys hide all your best tools


This site was started by @noisy, but now maintained by @engrave.

We need one single hive website where its just like hive.io but one permanent list like a frozen condenser where its like a witness election page but for posts and these will all be technical manuals and documentation instructions and tools etc


I'm working on this one, but I'm a little behind on current "frozen" posts.


fact is the election was hacked because if you leave bitcoin keys out in the open, SOMEONE hacks them. PEOPLE WILL HACK THE AMERICAN ELECTION if its left wide open.

BY DEFINITION if there is a bounty, humans go after it thats human bio law ... u cant leave a multi trillion dollar prize out in the open and NOT have it stolen . State actors like China see it as a big game and will expect to be expected as the hackers

if its unsecured at all, its GOING to get hacked BY PROBABILITY law lol basically man yeah

we arent dumb, we will require a real blockchain election before the military ever gives biden any power