
SelfUpvoted to get awareness... will be following some users here that bring this to a larger scale!

Massive thanks to anyone! =) This is an amazing movement... so many people... crazy!

@acidyo we need to strike back... we forgot (including myself) to say that this could be voted every day...


A bunch of bots I trying to win us!

It can't be voted every day, you can collect hearts every day and then vote for Hive with more hearts but with just 2 days left I figured it could backfire to ask people to sign up today and vote tomorrow since many would forget.

Yeah... but I think hearts are counting... towards the voting... not sure yet!

Someone said they aren't but yeah not sure either.

Either way... will wait to see this tomorrow... I think the other guys are using bots... their community has nothing compared to ours... so does not make sense.

Copy me next time please (if you remember), so I can expand the post quicker, either via internal post or via other networks.

I checked their website and I can't find the community giving them this votes, and sure they are using bots or they are buying votes.

yeah... I could not verify any kind of community as well... so it might be some kind of automated format... I am trying to do some research.