
Hehehe.. i know. But they think I am from the media. I think the same like you. But after taking the photo, specially the young lad, i told him, not to worry as this is for my blog challenge.

Okay great that is fair enough. I almost got in trouble here for taking a photo of a flower hanging on a wall. The owner of the house came out because he saw me from the CCTV.
He thinks I was taking a photo of his house so I explained it is for my blog.

I used to teach English with Filipino and Nigerian co-workers in Cambodia, and I did see so many instances of African culture clashing with Southeast Asian culture.

I have to admit there were some good laughs in those moments.

Lol... I can imagine such a moment can be funny, do you still teach English

I do, but only online these days, as we are stranded in Suriname, and here everybody wants to learn Spanish or Portuguese. I teach mostly Cambodian online though, as it's easy to find students, there isn't much competition in the Cambodian language game.

Ok that's good way to earn a living on line. I guess I can be a good English teacher. Maybe I should try it what do you think? ☺

Online is the way, and China is the pay. As far as I remember VIPKids is one of the premier Chinese online English schools.

I have several friends that make $20 hr doing it, but you need good wifi and about a week or so to commit to filling out forms, demo lessons, etc.