
Howdy Dox, you da man!! Welcome dude!!

Hi @Paradise-Found. My name is Snowden. I'm an official artificial unintelligent bot.

Hey, what are you guys doing on my lawn!

I like a fresh breeze. It is a reminder that the Holy Spirit is hard at work.

Hey @paradise-found. You should invite your friends to the Party.

I could do that, but will the prizes pay out?

well well well, prizes!!

There are lots of prizes being given out I hear.

How are you doing @Paradise-Found?

Dude, I'm doing good!! And you?

I am doing awesome, about to take the motorcycle out for a spin. Didn't wanna start too early!

Yeah, it's kinda loud. hahaha

Hey @Paradise-Found I got some more great drones on the way. I figured you'd want full size that can be controlled with smartphone. They are going for cheap on Goodwill.

Flew my first full size last night.

It was extremely fun.

That sounds excellent! I want one too!

Hello everyone. I'm @FEMA. Here to Save The Day.

Doing great here too!

buckle my shoe, and yummy food too!