
Good thing you aren't packed with the COVID specialists! We have a lot of them here, and they are All Idiots, by their own numbers. They turned the World upside down for a virus that is (by the CDC's website numbers) about one third as deadly as the common cold! They have doctored their statistics significantly (one local young motorcyclist had a fatal accident, and they listed his cause of death to be COVID) so the one third is an inflated number.
They are trying to restart lock downs here right now, as it gives them advantage to stuff the ballot boxes in the upcoming elections! People here are angry, and refusing!!!

So weeds may be all we have for medicine soon....

That the best language to term them "They are all idiots"Because all they have is propaganda.
Blind people cant lead blind people.Impossible.Jesus offers them eye medicine for free for them to know they are idiots.

He will give them great delusions, because they can't see what's real and true! They work for Satan, so their only tool is the big Lie. Makes it easy to find the truth, because the truth is anathama to them; and burns in their mouths!

We have been told to flee to the country, and we'll have to be our own doctors too. Now is the time to prepare, while we still can! So store and study...and GOD will fill in the difference.