Auto Post Image To Facebook Using Command Line Program for lazy People - Ammadkhalid

in #programming6 years ago

Hello lazy people :P

i coded python program who will post to your fb or fb page using their API (app)

here is link to my github

right now it's still in development and i  use it for stuff like post to fb page with image with caption and choose album.

requirements are python3 and then install it using command:

python install

and then type command:


then for first time installation it will ask for FB APP ID and secret of your app.

and about rest it will guide you. i will not explain more cause it's still in development and i already tell maybe those people can use it right now, who know python programming.

hope no one will mind this post i post it here cause i also post it on my fb and i will be using my steem as my fb :P


Just starting off here and slowly figuring out how to use platform. Checking some of your work and you have a great future ahead. One thing i love about steemit is the wide range in perspectives and talent in the community.
Btw thanks for the support returned in kind. looking foward to the future.

Thanks alot and welcome to steemit buddy!

Very nice man. I am new to python yet I've lernt a little java and c++. Python is rather simple and plain and good for lazy people like us and very powerful also. I enjoy this language.

upvoted and followed
plz same work for me

lol good you are making bot

That's not bot, i made this script for myself only but later i suppose to put it on my github.

That's cool, i use script for routers/switches config

Thanks, i heard that python is the most being lang in networking.

Thank you for following Sir, appreciated much.. more power

sudah di upvote yaa, upvote back ya

Nice! There was one called fbcmd that died, last year, after FB changed their XMPP support, AGAIN.
BTW, I ran python3 install --user to keep it out of the system installation, for now. ;)

  • Installation complete. AppID & App Secret configured.
  • I don't understand the help message.
  • Maybe some examples would help?

Thanks, again!
