Reporting for Duty - Kindof...

in #progress4 years ago

Well here I am, still alive and kicking and trying to make sense of all the changes on the various blockchain platforms, and it feels like I have been gone forever.

And as far as life goes in the real people world, the best I can do right now is quote Cohan

"It looks like freedom but it feels like death - Its something in between I guess"

Apologies for my absence, however, in between moving off of my farm, really shit internet, and a heart wrenching lock-down laced with riots and raids - it has not been too easy to keep in touch or stay online, and now I am stuck trying to figure out all the ground that has been covered since I last splashed in these joyous pools.

I have however started powering down my steemit account as it appears to me that it has pretty much gone for a pile of shit since the takeover. (At least so I have heard) hopefully if all goes well I could use that to fund up some more hive token. But hey that is pretty much as far as I have been able to get...

Well, that and this shitpost...

But at least I am here - right?

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Welcome to Hive!
Let us know what is really going on in South Africa.

Hey there @apshamilon, yes I am hoping to a post on it shortly, it has been chaos here to say the least, alcohol and cigarettes have been banned, rural areas are completely oblivious to the lock-down and are carrying on like normal, police brutality, farm murders, raids and robberies are on the increase and the general consent is that those without should go shopping for supplies in the homes of those who did make provision.
Zimbabwean border is still pretty much a free for all to enter the country, despite the extension of the lock-down that seemingly applies only to a selected few- and the fear mongering aspect is certainly taking its toll on all who cares to listen...