
Yes they do - that is why I've pulled so much Hive power over the past 3 months - I had accounts autovoting people I support and when those posts are downvoted, pop goes my curation rewards.

Once it gets big enough to be a serious investment, I'm not OK with that bullshit.

But it may work out OK - POB certainly benefits, and as I let go of my attachment to holding large sums of HP, my Hive accounts are potentially a far better crypto investment.

Check out the commentd here - lol -

wow u got a lil troll. I wouldn't have brought up graphene nor would I have used the 'viruses are solvents' ruse either. Both never verified and ur arguing with a 'skeptic' who uses google. Probably little point.

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I know, I'm pretty fast and loose with my comments, really I just want to post more pictures to make the comment thread look cool!

I'll resemble that remark. You like pics? You got it.

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