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RE: Helios needs more delegation support to help defend the hive platform from AI - right now! 🤖🔫

Dude, I saw what you have done with @teukumukhlis. Okay, the man spoke of his experience and used AI to improve the phrasing but you just decided to downvote him. Guess what? That's what non-English natives do, use tools because if they spoke in their native tongues there would be no one reading and if they let their You just took the post and put it through your little GPT Zero and decided to downvote it.

Guess what you didn't downvote though. asgharali's post which actually shows this if you run through GBT Zero


In fact, you upvoted that one even though GBT Zero says the same thing about it that it did about @teukumukhlis' post. You also can't be a curation project and do this at the same time as there's a clear conflict of interest as evidenced in the example above. Another example is this aliakbar2 post

You, HW, and hive.defender are definitely not equipped to handle this matter properly and the last thing anyone should do is give you more power. When you lot have a better plan to combat posts fully written by AI, we could talk. If you don't have a definitive way to tell whether people are using AI to improve their posts, grammar check, or better present their thoughts and people who use it to just generate AI content then withdraw from the conversation and don't go around telling people what tool to use and how to use it.

What do bullies do? They force people to do things that they don't want to.


Listen, I understand what you're all trying to do and I respect the goal, but the means you're going about it is wrong. You're playing Russian Roulette with people's livelihoods.
