
It's called sarcasm. It's not working out very well btw, because I don't do it at the "level" of the real entitled people around here, who then point fingers at others constantly. In fact most of the stake in my wallet I bought at a much higher price with my own money, unlike the hive "elite" circle-jerks.

You should probably comment from your other account next time, instead of responding to a seven day old comment on a random post.

If I didn't know any better I'd think I offended you and, considering you're the one favoring the word sarcasm, I'm surprised I'm having to explain it to you.

I would apologize for responding to an old comment but I thought it was fuckin funny enough to commend it. Next time your panties are in a wad, excuse the fuck outta me for appreciating your entertainment.

And I don't know what accounts of mine you're speaking of so enlighten me, please.

Nobody is offended here, but you🤣.

You should probably comment from your other account next time, instead of responding to a seven day old comment on a random post.

Oh my bad, that was a friendly 'how-do-ya-do.' The nerve of me. Did you figure out which account I'm supposed to respond to you with or was that sarcasm?

Scratch the previous question from the record, have a nice day—defense rests.