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in #proofofbrain3 years ago

What's your take on plagiarism or fraud? Do you think it's existence, or the community's reluctance to police itself with prevent it from growing?

Plagiarism surly do exist on the hive, and is good that we are talking about this topic, I think this can forward reduce the rate at which people practice it.

I also think that, the community police, is a great way of reducing it, just imagine a hive without the hive watchers, by now even those playing by the rules will be so discourage and might stop posting on the hive.

My humble appeal to my fellow hive users is that, we should always try and be honest in our dealings here, is not that hard to produce our own original contents if we really put our mind to it.

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Is hive watchers a bot or a real person because the rate at which it detect copied content do amaze me lot.
It will detect and even bring where the real content was created and reply you with it.
That's really amazing

I think some might be bots and some are real people, making sure hive is safe.

It exists everywhere. There are country-wide and even international standards against it.

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Yes sir, sadly it dose. And thanks to people like you who dedicate their precious time in keeping the hive a safe place for all us.

A lot of their work is manually done. They do catch a lot of it, but it still seems like they scratch the surface.

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