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in #proofofbrain3 years ago

Good morning all and it is good to be here once more, let me give it a quick one by saying the topic is just the best to talk about this morning,but I still want to say of recent the talk of plagrism as gone down due to the fact that users are now getting it right a little bit,but of all am giving it to @scholaris.pob for bringing back our attention to that, at least it will still shade the mind of those that are still in that side to desist from it , cause it won't do them any good.

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Scholaris is one of the people who take their time to prevent plagarism in this community.
Yeah I hardly see any copied content in this community and that's because there are many wise people who are wise enough to create their own quality content.

It isn't easy to find copied content. You have to look all the time. Perhaps that's one of the reasons why people don't actively do it.

Also, I feel it kills the vibe. People want to interact, create, engage, and make money. If you spend enough time screening articles, creating content isn't really something you're motivated to do.

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I agree with you
Not that alone sir And because any form of plagiarism is easily detected and the person who Plagiarise is disciplined maybe by hive watchers and being downvoted by sperminator

That is good from you I believe new user should also be aware of this but I believe the rate of plagiarism and fraud as reduce a bit

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Definitely it as and I want to say users are beginning to know the importance of what it is to come out with a good content of thier own too and I want to say that is the joy of it now and with that the community to will experience alot of good write up as always

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People barely speak about plagiarism. If talks about plagiarism goes down, it's because people get tired of writing about it. The act is quite alive.

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That's true I self did not know about this is just that thank God I don't cheat.
This should be talked about for new members who are just joining this community who don't know anything about plagarism in this community

I hope we can ease the method of keeping people informed in the future. If we can get either a new front end or this one upgraded, perhaps we can link messages to be permanently available to the group. This way we wouldn't have to keep writing about things that should always be available.

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You are right.
And that's from now on, I will take the issue of plagarism personally by writing content about it and also join and help @scholaris.pob to catch those who Plagiarise in this community