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RE: New Tribe & Token: Verify Your Brain || vybrainium (VYB)

in #proofofbrain2 years ago

Hey @trostparadox, can you clarify one particular thing please.

Your white paper is talking mainly about who qualify for airdrop mainly as
"POB earned by authoring a comment and/or post"

But what about POB earned as curation returns???

Does POB earned as curation work will qualify for VYB airdrop???

We need a more clear and precise statement on this.

Thank you.

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Does POB earned as curation work will qualify for VYB airdrop???


The intention of the 'non-exchangeable' token (as I originally envisioned it) was that it would be earned through authorship (a sort of 'proof of authorship' if you will). My original ideas about that 'second token' were detailed last March in this post.

Here are some relevant excerpts:

The non-exchangeable portion would be inextricably tied to the account that originally earned the token, would be automatically staked, and would be the sole token upon which future rewards (of both the fungible and non-exchangeable tokens) would be based. Both tokens would aways issue in the same amounts and to the same accounts -- hence the reason one might consider them as a single token, bifurcated at issuance.

The net effect of this arrangement would be that no one would ever be able to ‘buy’ influence over the future distribution of either of the two tokens, because no one would be able ‘buy’ the voting tokens.

I was unable to fully instantiate that original vision due to technical and practical limitations. As such, the VYB token allows folks to 'purchase' voting influence. The airdrop, however, will remain true to the original vision, and will only go to those who earned POB via authorship.