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And then some. Take, for instance, the Hive member PurePinay. She's got 11K followers. She does well on the platform. She hired ghostwriters to produce content and she never checked them before posting it and that content was plagiarized. There's more to follow on it, but the current results aren't good. Yeah, when something like that happens people are very quick, and justified, to lose trust.

You can get that trust back in some ways. The users searching through months of her posts is one way that it might work. Who is going to do it? The author (no)? The user reading her content (hell no). A most reasonable answer is to just not do it. Easier said than done, I think.

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Easier said than done.

On a real note, as a curator, if I were to see a plagarized post over and over again, I'd lose interest and trust.
Rather I'd take my upvotes to people who really deserve them, so I guess you're right.

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