Freedom to Choose ~ An epic journey of a lifetime.

in #proofofbrain9 months ago

Freedom to Choose ~ An epic journey of a lifetime.

Important ~ Life is not a prison. It is an experience full of possibilities and joy. If you feel trapped, take steps to escape. With a little effort and perseverance, you can find the freedom you seek. You are the one in control of your destiny. Take a stand and make your life what you want it to be.

Ok, Just try watching the next video a bit.

Yep, there's a YouTube channel i recently discovered that offers super weird content in the most negative way possible. In general, through this blog post i'm just trying to combat what that video exposes. The title "Your Life is a Prison - Escape" is a powerful and challenging one. He suggests that our lives are limited and that we have no control over our destiny. But is this true?

We always have to be serious and think critically about what we discover or continue to read ~ yep, question everything. This matters a lot.

First, it is important to define what ,,prison" means. A prison is a place of detention where people are imprisoned against their will. Prisons are usually associated with a sense of suffering and lack of freedom.

But is our life really a prison in this sense? Sure, there are many aspects of our lives that are limited. We are limited by the physical laws of the universe, our biology, and the circumstances into which we were born. But at the same time, we also have a great freedom of choice.

We can choose what to think, what to feel and how to act. We can choose what kind of relationships to have, what career to pursue, and what values ​​to pursue. Of course, these choices are limited by our circumstances, but they are still choices.

  • So if our life is not a prison in the traditional sense, then why does it sometimes feel like it? There are several reasons.

One reason is that we are used to routine. We do the same things every day, day after day, and it can get tiring. When we feel stuck in our routine, it's easy to feel like we're in prison.

Another reason is that we are overwhelmed with options. In the modern world, we have so many options that it can be difficult to make a choice. When we're overwhelmed with options, it's easy to feel like we have no control over our lives.

Finally, our life can feel like a prison if we are not happy with it. If we're not happy with our lives, it can be easy to feel like we're chained together.

That title of that video is simply one that may seem challenging and even scary to some people. At least i personally couldn't believe that there are people on YouTube who can expose such negative things. The idea of ​​being stuck in a prison can be a dark and gloomy image that can make us feel trapped and hopeless.

But in reality, our life is not a prison. Of course, there are always constraints and limitations in our lives, but they do not prevent us from living a full and fulfilling life.

Our life is more like a journey. It is a journey full of challenges and opportunities, joys and sorrows. It is a journey that we take together with others, and that helps us develop and grow as people.

It's important to begin by perceiving life as an epic journey. Yep, because of this perception we can have the freedom to choose the direction we want to take. We have the freedom to create our own experience.

That's it~ life can be difficult, indeed there are many things that can limit us, such as our financial situation, our health or our social circumstances. However, even in these conditions, we always have the option to create our own happiness and fulfillment.

  • So if you feel stuck in your life, don't get discouraged. Turn your life into a journey and start exploring all the opportunities available to you. Life is a long epic journey

I'm actually seeing this from another dimension and not just about prison alone. But do we think all prisoners can agree and try to run away since the man said the prison is only run by prisoners and will only stop if they all try to clin the walls

Well, that's a pretty funny point of view. From my point of view it's a problem because that channel has an educational role through its presence on that platform and there will be enough people who will perceive those tips as moral values that should be respected ~ that's the problem. !PGM !LOOLZ !MEME

I think the presence of those types of videos could have a negative impact on certain people. In general here i'm referring to people who are already facing difficulties in life, these videos might reinforce their feeling of helplessness and despair. It could also convey to them the message that the only way to escape the prison of their lives is to resort to violence or murder. Yep, for the most part it really seems to encourage those negative parts that we all observe in the physical environment.

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