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in #proofofbrain3 years ago

Well For POB Community, I think We haven Constantly faced with the biggest challenge of Sustainability and Proper Recognition. Some low moments in the past tarnished POB image but we have definitely came through as a strong community, thanks to top Investors and leaders. If we see current status of other Hive Tribes, we can definitely conclude we are going stronger day by day and definitely made a name of POB in other communities too. I am sure in next few years we could see POB community strong hold itself with strong foundation just like Leofinance. POB is definitely gonna be Next Big Thing in Hive Blockchain. ☺️🙏

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This is a great word of encouragement from you @vikbuddy about pob.
Seeing words about pob like this do encourage me alot in this community to keep pushing and putting more effort in pob.
These are the type of content we need to improve in this hive block chain to promote this community

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Never give up on the community you believe in :) ... Faith really does pay off!


I will make sure to get all my possible best
I might not have alot pob earning to stake now but I will definitely surprise all members of this pob community in power up

I support you friend

I don't doubt anyone no one is too small to stake and be part of the rich list.
If you are determined you will reach what you are aiming.

I am loving the staking rewards :) Rich list or not, I feel like a winner.

I couldn't agree less with you, POB has come a long way and is growing stronger and better by the day.

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Yes, POB is becoming known all over Hive ♥️ Have you noticed that it's those who help others who keep growing stronger?

To my research pob still has a very longer way to go.
It has a very outstanding achievement over months but its sites is one of the reason why is still at where it is now.
Do you have to upgrade their website server and many other features like notifications to allow easy access

I can't upgrade their server, but I certainly agree with they are outstanding :) I can't wait to see where we will end up :)