
now you know what it is. WW came about from a discussion in a Witness Chat. We were talking about getting to newbies to help them learn the system and Dreem's wheels got turning. The rest is history so to speak. The Witness Chats were something I started on The Ramble as the result of some discussions during PYPT.

So everything started on Discord, where we all learned how to make a decent post??? I really should have gotten involved earlier!

hahahaha yes - WW follows the vote for me - or dreemport - I can't remember which one - maybe both! :)

and you are actually a product of the THIRD project hahaha
it was WW, then Spunkee Monkee, then UU - now all the Dreem-based projects :)

hahahaha i have a lot of ideas LOL

but I always take the best of the previous projects and find a way to bring it into the next so that the others never die! :)

Same projects but upgraded with different names.^^

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Slightly....they are all different.

WW was definitely very much like UU, UU was bigger and better. That was amazing until that platform shut down.

But Spunkee Monkee was completely different. That focused on building into children this sense of preparing them for life through their bonds of family. That one was very special to me. Inspiring children is where my heart truly soars.

Now DreemPort is a horse of a different color. Totally new...and I'm loving it because it brings fresh eyes to your content.... genuine engagement to your posts ..and does this across platforms.

I'm very proud of how this is going, but it's slow and strong and stable ...but slowwww.hahahaha

I don't mind slow so much if it's building strong. So...that's ok.

But the only thing that connects all of these projects is my heart.

My heart has always been, is now, and will always be to build people up genuinely

So if you're seeing similarities in the projects's because they're always built from that heart. @mineopoly ❤️😊