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RE: Tokenizing The Internet With Hive - HiveTips, HivePatron & MyAltWallet (Proposal #128)

in #proposal3 years ago

Hi folks, sorry to unvote this... at least until I see the benefit I had imagined 2 months ago. Something is not quite working... or this bit is not working:

Marketing: $7,000.00 + 24 month advertising plan $61,150

Don't wanna doom all the work done so far, because it was indeed something that made the news and spread the word of #HIVE around, added by all the investment done so far.

And, I still love the idea, but to be honest, would have thought it would take off faster in terms of impact. It's unfortunate, but you guys need to pause and rethink the project (my view).

A couple of ideas/suggestions to help get traction:

  • Stop the advertising to reduce costs (I don't real evidence that it's being effective, not at this stage).
  • Change the current full long term costed model to "a maintenance support model" per activity, which both alleviates the proposal costs by distributing them via the tips being issued. I know that would not make tipping free, but I think it would be better viewed and would support the cause long term way better for you guys.
  • More updates on a "for the purpose" account - it gets confusing to read news about the project when all is mixed with other posts on the @fullalt account.
  • Reach out for more participation from the developers already in the community (there might be someone out there whiling to help for a much cheaper price). This one requires sharing some of the code of course.

Another detail I would like to highlight here is how the proposal updates are being done and the controversy of trying to lock investment as soon as possible to something that the DHF does not allow yet to do. Which could be a merge request to the code.

And to be honest, all of this would have been solved by more programmability. Something within the lines of the SMTs, but maybe here is simpler to implement. All it needs is a soft and hard caps. If hitting the soft caps, then it means there is enough for the investment to be put to "useful" use, if not, then the strategy would need to be re-thinked. For last a hard cap, to automatically say "that's it, no need for more". This would solve the problem you guys are having with trying to lock investment for this project and would be visible by anyone as a trustless function of the blockchain (if implemented of course).

Will try to follow the developments and comment as I can. I would love to see this finish the success line.