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This thing that goes by the name "no names left to use" is very connected. We'll learn all about it next time. The private investigation uncovered more than we expected. The connections to Satanism throughout the entire high-archy and power structure of the Hive Blockchain is undeniable; there is a lot more to see. Frankly, you will not believe what is coming next...


Frankly, you will not believe what is coming next...

There's a strong chance you're the only one that believes your own nonsense but if whatever's next is anything like what you've been up to since I met you, I assume it'll be more abuse and harassment coming from you. It would be nice if you'd stop though and leave me out of it. You've been asked numerous times. I don't see you as someone worth losing my patience over though.

You seem incredibly emotionally immature and socially stunted so I realize trying to talk to you is a waste of time but again, I ask you to leave me out of your shenanigans and move on; I suggest you do something more constructive with your life and stop harassing people on Hive. That's all. A simple request. Shouldn't be a big deal.

Of course you're free to have a beef with anyone you cross paths with in life. You seem to have a beef with some people here. But how you drag others in who are not involved is purely fucked up and your beef with them, myself included, is that we're simply fed up with your behavior and you don't like that.

Move on with your life already, dude. This is ridiculous. And leave my art alone. At times I enjoy life being a cartoonist; creating characters, producing artwork. That stuff was not produced for you to take out of context then weaponize and use as a tool to help intimidate or push others around. Stop doing that. Would you do the same for others? I see you already have here in this comment section so the answer is yes. I see I'm not the only one you came here to insult today. You're allowed to stop doing that as well.

Leave people alone. What you're doing isn't cool.


....and ignore all the points made about a highly organized group all linked through satanism, pedophilia, and worse, using their mega hive power and down vote button to silence and control, no wonder so few have spoken up publicly here. You'll ruin their blogs! Everyone knows that.....The Satanist are in full control folks. They are almost all wealthy early 2016 accounts. The whole thing was set up for them by them and it will be proven without a shadow of a doubt next time. That's a promise.

Frankly you've got to be out of your mind to trust a Satanist who fantasizes about Jeffrey Dhamar type homicides. Image Credit: @nonamesleftotuse

It thinks I'm emotional and angry. I'm as cool as a cucumber. I just know the right thing to do is let everyone know where the true power lies on the blockchain. Maybe most people are perfectly cool with blogging and investing on a blockchain owned and operated by satanic pedophiles? Personally, I'd run for the hills.

To be perfectly clear, they came to me, they unjustly destroyed my blog, they could have avoided everything...all I did was look under a few rocks and like pulling one thread on a sweater, the whole thing came undone.

Note to viewer: All of this satanic pedo stuff, it is just where the evidence led. It truly saddens me. The next and final drop will end this once and for all.

"Note to the viewer"

Obviously, you're doing this all for show, and since it's all for show, people can SEE you constantly harassing me.

I've asked you several times now to stop using my artwork. Your imaginary audience can see that.

I did not destroy your pitiful and oh so precious blog. I was not even aware of your existence until the day I saw you flying off the handle about being downvoted by Hive Watchers. An organization I'm not a part of. That day I saw you insulting anyone and anything that wasn't bending over backwards to kiss to your ass. When I pointed your behavior out to you, you began insulting me and claiming I must be some kind of satanic monster after seeing my profile pic, which is just a cartoon character I created. Out of the blue. This nonsense was the FIRST thing I recall you ever saying to me. You've been acting crazier and crazier ever since.

After that incident I saw you threatening an entire community because they muted you. A community I am not a part of. I downvoted you that day, because of what looked like threats and intimidation to me. That's how we met; it's all on the blockchain.

I downvoted you again here and that was already explained. It has nothing to do with "ruining blogs" or being a bully.

Please stop harassing me. Please stop taking my artwork. You're free to be psycho, but just leave me and my art out of it.

Your behavior is forcing me to consider taking legal action.