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RE: Can You Please Just Leave Me Alone: The Positive Side of Social Withdrawal

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Great story to illustrate your point. The difficulty is recognising when it becomes a problem, rather than a solution. Upvoted, followed and resteemed. :)


I am typically an extrovert as many will know and find out. However, I do not have an issue with solitude. I am perfectly happy being alone. I like my privacy. I just wish there was a designated pattern for each of these episodes. It might aid others in providing compatible companionship.

I find as I get older my circle of outside influences has narrowed greatly. I am generally good with that. It creates an issue with my wife who is extremely social. She often participates in activities without me.

I have discovered that I have a place socially that I frequent. It is a generic four walls and a floor with a ceiling. Nothing is there, no furniture, pictures or people. If you see me sitting on a chair drooling, then you know I am in that place.

People often ask me what I am thinking about. I tell them 'Nothing'. I can do that.

If you see me sitting on a chair drooling, then you know I am in that place.

LOL! you make me chuckle.