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RE: Psychology Addict # 27 | Discussing Misconceptions about Psychology

in #psychology6 years ago

Marvelous post! now it have turned into a habit and every time you make a post i am waiting for a quiet night to read it deeply without any distractions. once again i wanna share my thoughts and maybe express some of them as questions too.

The fact that still people think that big corpo invented mental illnesses looks totally funny to me but after i kept reading and came to the point of the good old saying that psychology is for the sick people, i really try to find and think ways of how we can solve this issues. How are gonna make more and more people understand that psychology really is? The education plays it's part and have further rooms for improvement but after that what or better, at the same time what else? public speeches free to everyone,mouth to mouth by former patients,better share of information through the media and internet, more money into researches?

The other thought i wanted to share and can be related not only with that matter and in generally with everything around us is how are we gonna make people make a research before forming an opinion for something and why they don't do it in first place. My guess can be out of boredom and because mostly everyone prefers the easy solution but exactly is that factor of laziness and how we can change it or help them change it to be more correctly in order to help psychology and every other thing in life get the ''face'' it deserves

Finally the thing I would not change for anything in this world is the place i hold my friends and family and things i would have done and i will do for them.


Here I am!! Actually, I have been looking forward to reading your comment :)

The question you ask here (How are gonna make more and more people understand that psychology really is?) is one I have been asking myself for quite a while. And the interesting thing is that ever since I started blogging on Steemit, I have found out that the misconception is much greater that I initially thought.

Education indeed plays an important role in debunking misinformation, but not in its traditional sense. What I mean by this is: we cannot expect that, let's say, schools teach kids about the fundamentals of psychology or mental health. That would be inappropriate! But, sometimes in my reflections I think we could expect that in schools we could be taught to not be so quick to form an opinion. We are not really taught, in a formal way, to do what you suggested: do a little research, balance things outs before making a final judgement, and this is the dangerous part: sticking to it forever with no flexibility (this is relating to the part you say we just become lazy)!

The beautiful thing, however, is that modern life has provided us with means such as this platform to educate and be educated. There are many open-minded people out there who are brave enough to leave their comfort zone and challenge their own beliefs. For example, you say in your country there is a huge misunderstanding of what psychology is all about. Yet, you don't fall for it, and that is why you end up in discussions and debates such as this one :)

So lovely to hear the thing you wouldn't change in your life! It does feel great having a loving family and loving them in return.

All the best to you my dear.

Hello my dear :)

I will come back to your comment tomorrow, ok? It is late now and I must get some sleep.
All the best to you & bye, bye for now :D

What I mean by this is: we cannot expect that, let's say, schools teach kids about the fundamentals of psychology or mental health

After reading this and ofc quickly realized how true it is, i stopped reading your answer for a moment and thought: why can't we learn psychology and or specifically positive psychology in the form of games with from young children. For example in elementary school to exist a psychology lesson with games among the kids and students that will help them from communicate and bonding with each other to learn some basic things and ''thinking'' that will help them in life! the teacher could be called psychologist and not just teacher and slowly slowly from early age the kids that will grow into adults will form a way different opinion than previous generations had and probably decrease the misconception to a certain point if not completely

Oohhh what a beautiful idea! 😍 I vote for you for president!

hahaha and when i make my public speech i will announce that i have your full support! now i have the proofs too here on the blockchain.... forever :p

haha whenever you want and have time i won't bite :P
goodnight and sweet dreams!