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RE: Your Guide to Narcissism: Understanding the Construct

in #psychology6 years ago

"a tendency for the sexual emotions to be lost and almost entirely absorbed in self-admiration" (Raskin&Terry,1988)

“people whose libido is mainly concentrated on themselves at the expense of object love” (Reich, 1960)

So, in sort, people who sexually love oneself. Nice topic to talk at social gatherings. My friends will jokingly and joyfully point fingers at one another. :D


Keep in mind that in psychology and especially in psychoanalytic theories the term 'sexual' does not absolutely refer to the act of reproducing, masturbating etc. It's a lot broader term.
I would say that it is definitely not a topic for social gatherings, as most people do not understand this concept and thus such misconceptions happen.
The actual reason why great minds like S. Freud remain misunderstood up until today.

Thanks for reading, and commenting !

I see. So it has a broader term. 😲

Yeah, it is. :)

If you still would like to bring it on social gatherings, follow me and reading the articles which follow you will become 'the smartass' in the group, regarding psychology.
Based on scientific studies, not specula :)

Cheers !

I did follow you on Steemauto and gina. :D It's just most of the time, the topics are too advanced for my knowledge. Lol. So, I keep it slow. Nice though, will keep stalking you with Gina. :D

Thanks ! Good to know. I try to keep it as much simple as I can while at the same time following the required scientific terminology, required for the article. Comments like yours are really valuable in order to give me feedback. I will try to simplify the content in the articles to follow.

Actually, this post of yours is easy to read, with lots of headings functioning as breaks, and a conclusion section. That's why I can read, understand, and comment on it. If you make it simpler than this, I don't think it will pass the Stem requirement. Not sure on that though. But with lots of headings and a conclusion section like this post, it is already perfect, imo. :D

Thank you for the positive feedback !
Actually I was referring to the language, rather than the structure. To be honest, the way I structure my articles is pretty basic, so you are absolutely right - can't be more simple than that :D