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RE: Psychology Addict # 26 | Depression – Where to Draw the Line?

in #psychology6 years ago

It is an emotional state that we all experience at some point in life.

Yeeey, so I'm not the only one! :D

Would you agree that, in addition to resilience, self-acceptance is extremely important for overcoming depression? f you accept yourself unconditionally, whether or not you do well (or do well about doing well), you will tend to act in your own interests, go for pleasures, and feel much better.

You pointed out exercising as one of the ways to overcome mild depression. I would like to use the opportunity to promote Argentinian Tango as an exercise of chose! Here's an extract from my article about it:

Social tango has nothing to do with what is displayed in the movies. Social tango is nonverbal communication, synchronization, and relationship between two persons, music, and other people around you. It doesn’t require you to wiggle or shake your butt, but it does require (or maybe it’s better to say “helps you develop”) openness, relaxation, awareness, sensitivity, creativity, and musicality.

What makes it special is the way it is danced. It is danced in a close embrace (hug) with a focus on feeling, leading, following, adjusting, and improvising with your partner instead of doing choreographed, memorized moves independently or with a light contact with your partner.

Thanks for sharing the conclusion of the study conducted in groups of depressed women who had and had not suffered child-abuse. It improved my understanding of depression on a physical level.

Cheers! : )


I would also add that, since depression is an emotional 'disorder', everything that evokes emotional release in a healthy, non-harmful way is very important. So, it can be either tango, playing an instrument, drawing, or writing. I think also that if a depressed person becomes successful in what she is doing through emotional expression (for example, becoming a successful writer on Steemit, or a very sensitive tango dancer), it gives her totally new perspective on her 'disorder', and it becomes something positive. That is the moment of realization that negativity can be transformed into positivity if it is accepted and expressed. :) It also says that someone is not a 'mentally ill person', but just a person who can go through different phases in his life during the entire process of self-discovery.

P.S. I must add that @lifenbeauty is really a great dancer!

Thank you for a great expansion of my comment, @katarinamiliv.

I guess I had enough disorders in order to become a solid and sensitive tango dancer. :D

Hiiii @lifenbeauty :D

Of course you are not on your own! :)

I am so pleased you brought up 'self-acceptance'. YES, YES and YES this is a very important means to overcome certain levels of depression. Do you think this topic would make an interesting post?

So glad you further the 'being active' part of this debate. Dancing is one of the most beautiful, gracious ways to make us feel better. Wonderful!

Thanks for stopping by.
All the best to you always :)

I'm always looking forward to reading about self-acceptance and I think that your article about it would definitely be interesting - go for it! : )