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RE: Psychology Addict # 26 | Depression – Where to Draw the Line?

in #psychology6 years ago

Oh my Friend Abigail, you do have a way of making me think. Mild depressive disorders, like your friend’s son should be left alone or treated with talk therapy. His brain is not yet fully developed, and he is at a point in life where the pressure to make long term decisions may just take a therapist that can help to guide him.
Severe depression on the other hand and the effect it has on the hyppocampus puzzles me. While it is helpful to know it can be rebalanced, what can physiologists say about those people that compartmentalize so well that it is difficult to unify all parts?
Here I must share that NLP or CBT must be used to reprogram the individual thought process by creating new pathways of thinking.
Then their is the person that has suffered alcohol and or drug abuse and must be treated with SSRI’s on a long term basis because the neurons no longer work properly.
Again, in many, but not all cases I do think an individual must be ready for the treatment, and accept the conditions before they can properly move forward releasing their mind, body and soul from the self they wish to change.

Been looking forward to your post and hope Luca finds peace soon. 🐓🐓❤️


Thank you for your thoughts about Luca my dear friend :)

Is your question about 'compartmentalizing' related to Dissociative identity disorder?

The point you made here about the individual having to be ready for the treatment is SO important. In many ways this is what makes a certain sort of approach to be more efficient than another and so on ... I shall learn more about NLP.

Thank you for stopping by my dear.
Lots of love to you always ❤️

Dearest abilgail,
Thank you for your upvote. You are always so kind. Sometimes I don’t really know if you get the answer you are looking for from me.

My guess is you thought I was referring to someone like Sybil with her multiple personality disorder.
Being a long recovering addict I know that many addicts compartmentalize their emotional state depending on the situation. A little like playing different roles on stage. It took years of of listening to other people talk about being honest before I was able to be honest with myself.

Some would say about newcomers, they are as honest as they can be. This is where I learned that people with mental disorders, can and do get better, by learning new coping skills or CBT, the guidance of a therapist, or NLP. Time and willingness to do the work expedites the transition.
People like myself, did a fair bit of self destruction before deducting that change was a necessity. In the beginning, excercise worked to recreate new pathways for neurons to fire, but inevitably my situation required talk therapy/group situation and anti depressants.

I also learned more positive ways to think, however life with anti-depressants looks inevitable, it works so no complaints.
I have worked with addicts that are what could be classified as down right evil and unable to be anything but manipulative, zero honesty. It is scary how many crazy people are out there.

You might just think of me as your own little nutty bag! Lol🐓🐓❤️