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RE: Lovejuice Minnow Promotion // HANDLING THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE by @klynic

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

My mother's passing day was the 6th of this month, it's now been 16 years and she remains on my mind daily.

A friend lost her husband a couple of days ago, and the pain they carry is bound to weigh them down for the rest of their lives.
When someone dies we have to remember the person grieving already has a lot to deal with, and not to pile more on top of it, being a good friend to someone who is grieving can be difficult, and in my mind it's best to give them space, be sure they know you are there for them, but don't further burden them with your needs, instead make certain they have their needs met, and that the empty space left by the death is honored, not necessarily filled immediately.
Thanks for the timely post.


wow wow wow, I couldn't have said it any better...
I am glad the post meant something to you