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RE: Psychology Addict # 27 | Discussing Misconceptions about Psychology

in #psychology β€’ 6 years ago

another mind opening post miss @abigail-dantes πŸ‘πŸ‘ , let me answer this part, oh so sorry i don't know how to do the one with vertical lines on the lwft and right

"Disorganized thinking – when was the last time you felt you needed to put your thoughts in order?
Hallucinations - Have you ever had the impression you heard someone calling your name, for example?
Confusion between reality & imagination - Was it a dream, did I see it in a movie, or did it really happen?
Shifts in mood - Are you familiar with feeling confident in one occasion and insecure in another?"

Disorganized thinking , i think i had that just yesterday , i dont know how to thunk what to think what to do , ugh! so i end up crying with my sister abigail last night ,πŸ˜₯

Hallucination? i think havent experience to see something others cant but sometimes yes! i think i can hear someone calling me but actually there's no one, oh no!!!

with confusion between imagination and reality , i think never been to that

with shifts in moods, oh gosh miss @abigail , i think i got that everyday , but i think i can manage

last night was very crying moment hahaha, maybe emotional stress, and yes i agree with what you said that a lot of people would think that if a person would seek advivefrom a psychologist they think that person is crazy or psychotic , to be honest when i wasstill studying and was young that's the same belief i got , but having been exposed to different types of people and knew their experiences i knew psychologists or psychiatrist isn't just for mentally ill people , thanks for this miss @abigail, thanks for always inspiring me too, i really can feel my big sister in you, sometimes i dont feel like writing what i do i visit profiles like yours and then i said , go! just continue writing, it's not always about the money , it for yourself , social life at least and an online diary😁 . God bless you more miss @abigail-dantes πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ

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Thank you for stopping by my dear :)

I truly love reading your comments. I am very happy to hear my posts have been educating you in the field of psychology - this is very important! 😁

I hope you have had a better day with no crying today. I am very proud to hear you see a big sister in me. This is a beautiful thing to say. You see how you have so many beautiful feelings and emotions inside you? Don't let the negative ones dominate them :)

Lots of love to you tooo ❀️

oh! my heart is beating so fast!!! you notice mw again!!! 😍😱. you know yesterday i really don't know what's wrong with me cant think of anything to write that's why i just wrote a tagalog poem that's like saying i was confused yesterday hehe. then earlier this morning just written something about learning , thank you very much miss @abigail-dantes, i hope sooo too, that today will be another great day , i love you sister miss @abigail-dantes and thank you!!! 😘😘❀️❀️❀️

hi miss @abigail-dantes good day to you, im sorry i dont know how to be in contact with you, just want to ask a little favor . kindly support and welcome my kiddos account po : @mini-zephalexia , i made it for them for future savings and to share their fun activities , thanks a lot miss abigail hope you'll notice my comment , i am thinking maybe if you have a dicors chat group? hehe. love you miss @abigail , by the way i told my sister abigail about you and that's why she's interested to join steeit too 😊❀️❀️❀️