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RE: Is it Lame to upovote yourself ??

in #question4 years ago

I'm totally with @stayoutoftherz! Voting on your own posts shows that you value what you have created. I do it too, on all of my posts. Not to mention, it's your own HP that you're using to vote, which is yours after all, so it's up to you what you do with it.

Now, doing the same on your comments seems like a wasted vote to me. Who would get excited about a comment anyway? And what about maximizing rewards? While a post can be reblogged, cross-posted, or simply mentioned by others, a comment rarely is. However, I like to upvote other people's comments, if I think it was particularly engaging, interesting, thoughtworthy, humorous, or whatever reason I may like it for. Oh, and in case my voting mana is low, I can still buy them a !BEER

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