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RE: Goodbye Hive

in #quit4 years ago

I have been following this situation. Just my opinion here, not saying I am right so here goes... Those account with large Hive investments Have Power. They have ideas about how Hive should be and have the power to affect change....I admire them for taking action. You also have your vision about Hive should be. You do not have have an equivelent Hive investment, and not enough power to negate those that do.
So you are frustrated and you want to quit, give up...
You assume that the only power to be had on the Hive blockchain is to have large stake...
Out in the real world the same hierarchys exist as do here on Hive... Out in the real world there are many manifestations of Power...There were people who belived in things and wanted to change the world and found their power... The only challange to power is power.. Think Womens rights,Jesus,MLK,Gandi, The US revolutionary war, Gay marriage in the US etc etc.
Dont give up on things you believe in. None of us are victims. We do the best we can with the resources we have. While we may lose many battles we pave the way to win the war.
How does this situation relate to other situations in your life? Have you ever felt powerless to make right things you thought were wrong? Did you give up and quit fighting?


Just trust your overlords. This isnt an open blockchain. Its an oligarchy.

is there somewhere I can follow you off chain? send me an Instagram DM, I've always found your opinions interesting