Qurator's: Hive Top Chef! | Cocktails and Drinks!

in #qurator4 years ago


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Welcome to a weekly cooking competition where we will host and give a specific ingredient to cook with, Hive Top Chef!

This competition has two goals, to see awesome recipes and to make everyone drool over them! We are looking forward to see some cool entries this week and we will start of with a rather simple ingredient that can be amazing if done right!

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This week's Hive Top Chef Ingredient: Alcohol

This week is all about drinks and cocktails, we are pretty sure everyone would like to see some great recipes in these times. ;)

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  • Only recipe posts.

  • Have to use the required ingredient.

  • Use the #qurator tag as your first tag.

  • Mention the Hive Top Chef competition somewhere in your post.

  • Post your link as a comment in this post to officially enter.

  • Posts cannot be older than this post.

  • Your entry will not count if you aren't following the above-mentioned rules.

  • All entries will be reviewed by the Qurator team.

  • One entry per account.

  • Deadline: 12 hours before this post reaches payout.

  • Can't win 1st place two times in a row.

Be sure to include plenty of pictures as presentation surely counts in the overall score, but we all know sometimes the messy dishes are the one that tastes the best, you know what I am talking about. That picture that makes you almost taste the pure awesomeness of something delicious. We can't wait for your entries so get it done! While you are at it, feel free to tag a friend in your entry comment below, we all here to tame the hunger inside, might as well do it with friends. ;)

Best of luck to all the participants!

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Hive Top Chef Prizes

*See the cover image for this post? Those are just some free to use images in the collage and even though they look pretty darn good we want them gone! Each week the winner of Hive Top Chef will get their image added to the collage until we fill it to the brim with Top Chef winners!

1st Prize
1st Prize
3rd Prize
50% upvote
30% upvote
15% upvote

Upvotes will be sent to post/comment without @qurator upvote.

Hive Top Chef #6 - Winners!

1st Prize - 50% Upvote


Tuna & Shallots Cheesy Bread Pud

2nd Prize - 30% Upvote



3rd Prize - 15% Upvote


Qurator's: Hive Top Chef! | BREAKFAST!/Venezuelan Creole Breakfast.

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Honorable mentions 5% upvote!




Congrats to all the winners!

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The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @goldendawne | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest | @blacklux | @rishi556

Cover graphics by: @cheer-up - Images by freepik.com

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a Hive witness.

Active Witness rank: 55


Oh wow, I really needed some good news today as my son is still stuck in Russia and heard today there will not be any more repatriation flights arranged by our government so it's been a rather gloomy day! Thank you so much and congrats to the other winners!

Congratulations! @Lizelle
Did you know you can find a place to eat breakfast any time of day in the USA? Not sure if it's the same in SA.

I hope things are getting worked out to bring your son back home from Russia. The news showed how tightly controlled everything related to travel is there.✈🙌🌍

Thank you so much for the encouragement @ninahaskin! Sounds like there will be a repatriation flight towards end ofJune as he discovered there's a group of government funded students writing exams in Russia in June and that's likely the reason for the delay, BUT they should at least be open and transparent so the people stuck there knows what's happening, unfortunately not something our government is good at!

I agree 100%! There should be transparency and common courtesy for planning purposes of those traveling abroad...@Lizelle✈🌍🧳

Hopefully your son is making the best of the situation and returns home safely! I'd wager a bet he finds a few new dishes he enjoys and brings back some recipes for you to prepare👩‍🍳

How's the latest batch of pineapple beer doing?🍍🍺😎

Oh that is not a good news! Glad we could brighten it up a bit. And thanks for participating :) Looks delicious!

Thank you @qurator, see my reply to @ninahaskin, there is hope although it's still a couple of weeks waiting!

Yeah! thanks so u much! im very excited.

My very late entry, could not resist this challenge but the brewing took longer than I thought:)
Forbidden Alcohol & Zols - Pineapple beer