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RE: No Police No Violence: BLM Protest in CPH

in #racism4 years ago

did u not read? restaurants remained open and untouched? shops did not need to barricade.

also have u not seen actual videos of people looting?
dont blame BLM for false flag attacks. dont distract from the issue that people are getting killed by police. many of the looters are even white, and some white supremacist groups were found to act as antifa under false flag. how do they respect black lives when they do crimes that will be blamed on black people? for those actually black taking the opportunity to loot target and vandalize police cars, i dont blame them, because society did not uphold the social contract we had with them.

if the burning target made u cry more than all black people killed by police during protest, or before, then thats sad.


I cry because everyone who got killed. No matter what skin color.

which happen to have what skin color in common?

you are trying really hard to avoid acknowledging the racism and police violence that BLM points out.

maybe you should look into some fbi studies and statistics by the justice department

wow, what a great source - I guess you can't imagine how many people die everyday?
maybe stop demonstrating when demonstrating kills even more

its hillarious i get the "great source" comment from a climate denying AFD follower who thinks he has access to current FBI studies that are not a political way to justify the jim crow laws from 20th century

it's hilarious how hard you try to hold onto the blm and all official agendas - and even funnier that you tell me what to follow lol
go you follow AFD if you'd like

here yo lazy piece:



There is enough science - maybe read it?
how does demonstrating while there is deadly corona save any lifes?

sure u may or may not higher statistics pairing people by color, similar crime with wealth. but black are the same ones who are poor due to segregation and slavery. why do crime if u have something to loose? black people in US typically dont own anything.

also US court system, you can exchange jury by questioning them, hence you can question the black jury to make a case why they might not judge well in this case, and cause him to be imprisoned...

if i understand u correclty ur trying to tell me black people are more likely to commit crime... unless you are a loyal follower of mein kampf, u ur self would not believe that....

racism is an issue overdue and needs to be talked about. and as ur last comment shows also in europe. people there in the protests do so because they are being killed. 70% of the corona deaths in US are black in states where there are 30% black.... black are less likely to be offered a corona test, which are needed for diagnosis and healthcare coverage, and are less likely to be able to afford healthcare of going to the doctor... corona virus is showing the racism hence people are now so enraged

Which slavery? Debt slavery? Most of them are white..

black people in US typically dont own anything.

that's bullshit and sounds racist

if i understand u correclty ur trying to tell me black people are more likely to commit crime

you clearly dont understand me correctly

wtf they need corona tests? you mean the pcrv tests that are completely useless for what they are used at the moment? (even the inventor of pcrv already said that they're useless for analytics)