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RE: Real Life Update; A bit of a Ramble

in #ramble3 years ago (edited)

I think between the covid shot and life........while depression played a huge part, and always will in my life, this went beyond anything I have ever dealt with. I am very good at keeping track of my body and how I am feeling due to health issues my whole life and no one ever believing that my body doesn't work the same as others.

This was more like..........being underwater and seeing life through the wobbly water........and waking up and all the water was gone.

It made me trust in myself again when I KNOW something isn't right with myself but others just see what I look like on the outside and think I am being dramatic.



"It made me trust in myself again when I KNOW something isn't right with myself but others just see what I look like on the outside and think I am being dramatic."

💜 for trusting yourself again. Nobody should assume they know what another person is going through since they aren't living that person's life.