in #rapchallenge7 years ago (edited)



The SteemIT Official Rap Challenge is back. For new comers to this contest please read the rules or your submission might not qualify. For my rap challenge vets, let's get this week jumpin!!

  • Upvote & Resteem this post (support good initiatives)
  • Every 2 Sunday's (2 weeks), I will post 3 new instrumentals for participants.
  • Download the instrumental and record a video of yourself rapping over it.
  • Upload the video and post it here on SteemIT with the first tag as #rapchallenge
  • Post your submission on the rap challenge blog submission post on Friday.
  • Videos no longer than 1 minute long.
  • Raps can be freestyles or written raps.
  • DO NOT alter the instrumental in any way.
    Video MUST BE SUBMITTED every Friday by 11:59PM (UTC-4:00) (NYC TIME)

Youtube LinkYoutube LinkYoutube Link

1st place winner = 4 SBD
2nd place winner = 2 SBD
3rd place winner = 1 SBD


Every Friday i will create a blog post and all the people who are participating in the contest for that week MUST post their submission as a comment onto that post. You guys also can post your video on your own blog, but in order for your submission to be judged, you will need to submit it directly on the blog post. Still post it up on your blog for your followers to see though, and don't forget to use the #rapchallenge tag as the first tag in your post.

To all the previous rap challenge participants who won and are owed SBD, please leave a comment on this thread. Let's get this week started, I hope to see all my favorite challengers come back to tear it down! Peace and blessings everyone.



Hey if anyone is having trouble downloading the songs check out this youtube downloader I use called UMMY.

@rondonson thanks for coming back bro, still waiting on the steem but I can't wait to hop back into this.

this was the whole reason I got my start on STEEMIT and it makes me sooooo happy to see it back because this is what brought us all together and we felt a little lost without trying to make our own.

@termitemusic has been holding it down for you tho.

anyways let me know about the past rewards. Im ready to hop on this week with the illest :).

What he said! Except I'm not waiting for Steem. This is where it all started for me too, although later, and I'll definitely join this week! Thank you @rondonson for coming back!

On the topic of the community I really think we should find a more sustainable solution for holding us together. Like get together and decide on a unique hashtag for the things we want to see. To keep us together in a more decentralized way where competitions like this could come and go? I might try to sell in the idea in a post tomorrow because this won't work unless many of the Steem rappers and perhaps beat maker or contest creators agree on some tag and simple terms of use.. Sorry if I'm making a bigger deal out of your comment but I've seen more people expressing the same and needed to ask if this sounds useful?

@privat you guys are welcome!

I agree with you on a more sustainable solution for holding us together. The #rapchallenge hashtag is used on all our posts, and I tried to get a discord channel going for you guys but no one really was active. We do need to organize better. The challenge will be more organized though.

Thank you! I felt motivated today and wrote a decently long proposal for a very simple idea on how to make a better community here! Please check it out and let me know if it's worth going forward with, if you have improvements to it or if it sounds unnecessary! If you get time..

Btw, that post goes out to ALL Steem rappers and beat makers as well! :)

@boycharlieplays, please let me know how much SBD I owe to you brotha, and in the coming reward pool i gotchu! I've seen @termitemusic and his initiative, dope! salute..glad to be back and giving yall another platform.

@boycharlieplays we missed you this week much was the reward I owe to you? im getting everyone fixed up this week.

I can't rap for crap, but Ill give it a go... lol

You can only get better if you do it...

@rondonson is the reason I am even rapping again... been booked twice since I started back up. Much love for the motivation!

WTF lol I didn't even know this was up. HELL YEAH! let's get it.

Does French Rap count?

nice rap challenge on the steemit. Thank you for share @rondonson

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we @pleasesaveus thanks you for reading....

I'm not gonna be taking part in this, but I'm gonna be that sexy ass cheerleader in the background cheering you guys on! Let's do this!

thank you for the support my friend

thanks for sharing .I want to participate on contest rapchallenge.

Please do, make sure you read the rules properly

great work , good luck friend

have a nice day

We shall submit. Good luck one and all.

@spainion yes i hope to see you, remember submission is on friday on my blog :D

Right ON! Welcome back!!

good to be back bro! lets go!!

Congratulations @rondonson, this post is the seventh most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1297 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $6398.63. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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DOPE! I'm will be following as a fan.

Lo mejor del RAP es que es una clase de música que hace drenar muchos casos de la vida diaria, como por ejemplo la adrenalina de los jóvenes adolescentes.

Hey there! I'm new to this and want to clear some things up:

  • You post every TWO weeks with new music to use for the UPCOMING NEXT TWO WEEKS?
  • This is NOT the contest post.
  • The contest post (to link my entry) will show up on FRIDAY. And within a few hours we must link on THAT post for THIS WEEK's entry?
  • Next week the SAME music is used, a new FRIDAY post comes out for you to link your entry in the comments?

I think that's what I understood... though a little muddy. 😉

If what I've assumed above is correct, one last question:

Exactly when do you try to post the Friday post? As it is implied you POST on Friday and the DEADLINE is also on Friday.... So, quite the time constraint...

Help. I'd love to play, but I think I'm too dumb.


@carrieallen lol..i dont think you're dumb I understand the confusion. .this is how it works.

On sunday, I post 3 beats..and during that week you guys can choose 1 of those beats to rap over and record yourself. And you submit that video as a comment on friday to my blog post. So every rapper has Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to complete their challenge.

The challenge will happen Bi-weekly, on Sunday's. So the next challenge will be on the 24th.

Excellent! Thank you for the clarification.

I wanna try this, but would need to write it out... as I don't think I could 'flow'. LOL!

I'll follow along and get my post ready for NEXT week's entry.

Thank you! 😍