3D Printing A Solution To Housing Affordability

Housing is a need in every community and there are many people struggling with that affordability right now. Rent prices and housing costs might be going up 20% or more but incomes are not increasing along with it.

There is a growing need for a solution and many experts say that boosting the housing stock is the best way to address the problem, some say the only way.

There are solutions that are meant to help increase that supply quickly, with cost reduction benefits too. One of the options has been 3D printing homes. This is something that has been done in just a few days time, depending on the size of the house.

This could save customers a lot of money for a home, depending on the area where the home might being built. Some of those 3D homes already on the market have been built for $15k-$20k or more and the build time is a lot faster.

They aren't that common yet and they aren't well known either but they could provide a more cost effective option today than many communities are currently faced with.

For those who cannot opt for the multi-million dollar residence, maybe a 3D printed home might be a suitable alternative?

They might not be that popular yet but there are already 3D printing home projects going on around the US from NY to California and other areas.



These guys have the right idea. 3D printing floating homes. No need to buy real estate :)

thx for sharing haven't heard of such a project before yet

Sadly, the biggest obstacle to housing in most communities is zoning. Most communities have strict zoning laws that force out affordable options.

Financial formulas also work against the creation of affordable housing. The financial formulas prevent banks from giving loans to affordable houses on expensive land.

The technology of building has advanced to a point where it is possible to put more and more people into affordable homes. Unfortunately, the financial and political structures of the world seem to preclude such options.

yes the ppl making the zoning rules and causing the issue are the same ones saying they want to fix the housing problems, go figure :) but mind you there would be some land suitable for low income housing, as we have trailer park communities now etc, so there would be a place for printed homes in the market somewhere and it would be nice to see more options on the lower end of the scale with tiny homes and mobile as well at least in some places they are trying as with other rent-to-own solutions too