in #recipe6 years ago


500 gr beans
500 gr of rosebrand rice flour
Cap 85 gr sourcorn
65 ml of coconut milk or 1 sachet of coconut milk
15-20 leaves oren leaves the middle and sliced ​​irises
chicken powder soup 1 bks (for example royco, masako)
1 tsp sugar
800-850 ml of water
the oil for frying
little salt (added if not salty)


7 pillows of garlic
5 candlenuts
1 cilantro
3 segment kencur



  1. cut 2 parts of the bean, do so the beans are done
  2. mix all the ingredients together with the spices that are poured for water pour gently yes, while messed up, do not forget the correction of taste
  3. Heat the oil, pour 1 mixture of vegetable blend into the edge of the cauldron, flush the mixture with the hot oil let it dry and let go by itself behind the mixture of the object and then fry until cooked brownish, remove and drain.If it is cool enter into the balang

✔ beans should not be washed so the result is not lempem, after split 2 directly mix into the material
✔the sago flour should not be replaced with cassava because of the exact result
✔adonan not thick and liquid also, if the viscosity of the results do not rangup even become like bakwan so test the order first if at the time of pouring on the edge of the cauldron instantly fell seems to fit and guaranteed the result rangup.
✔ in the frying period should not be reversed if the subjects have not dried and do not stop flush with the mixture of the object with hot oil to be easily removed when dry and not dilekit disodet
✔ result of 2 main things ↓
