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RE: That time my post was trending on Reddit... and still got removed

in #reddit2 years ago

The amount of subreddits I'm getting banned from lately for vaguely even mentioning crypto is hilarious.

Makes me think of the time I got banned from r/pcmasterrace (or was it r/gaming) for discussing how miners have started using their GPU's to mine ETH (when it had just launched) and everyone hated on me in the thread only years later to start crying about how they can't afford a GPU or even get one cause all the miners have bought them en masse. If only some of them had started mining a little instead of hating in 2014 :p


It’s just hilarious at this point. Reddit sells itself as a free speech website, as long as it’s not harmful or hurtful what you have to say, the problem is that their definition of harmful is whatever they want it to be that fits their narrative.

The amount of hate one can get just for having the wrong opinion is dazzling. If there weren’t millions of users who could ultimately flock towards hive, I would avoid that site like the plague haha

I haven’t brought up crypto in non related crypto subs but I can imagine how tiresome and frustrating it must be.