Towards 2020: What Are You Ready to Let Go Of?

In just a little more than two weeks, we will turn the page to a new year.

Whether you are a subscriber to the idea of New Year's Resolutions or not, the end of the year is a good opportunity to reflect on our lives and consider whether it is time to let go of some old things we have been carrying around, but which no longer are serving us.

Light in the winter sky

Considering "Old Things"

Old Things can refer to a very broad spectrum of our experience.

On the surface, we tend to look at actual physical things that we mean to throw out or perhaps take to the local thrift and recycle shop. I know I certain have a few of those sitting in the garage; put there with the intention of dealing with them later.

But Old Things can also refer to the mental, emotional and spiritual realms.

In fact, it is often the invisible "Old Things" that weigh us down the most.

They could be habits that no longer serve us, yet we continue to follow them because once upon a time they were perfectly reasonable and perhaps even served to help us cope with a difficult life situation. Yet we have moved on, but we keep following the same habit.

Why is it important to let go of such habits?

Nature's beauty

Because — whether we are aware of it, or not — they subconsciously serve as constant reminders of the original stress, or trauma, or whatever else made them necessary, in the first place.

Sometimes we have persistent thoughts we need to let go of.

These may be self perceptions, or negative thoughts about other people that are not really valid in our current lives. They can be quite difficult to let go of because they become almost second nature.

Maybe we avoid our neighbor because we feel they are always angry. But we don't realize that the anger which triggered this perception was tied to a messy divorce... ten years ago, and the neighbor is actually a very kind and gentle person who could become a great friend who'd be willing to look after our cat when we go on business trips.

Time for reflection

Letting go of unneeded self-perceptions is perhaps the hardest thing because these often stem from dysfunctional upbringings.

Maybe we struggle with not feeling worthy or not feeling lovable because of something we were repeatedly told, growing up. Even those who have been through courses of therapy sometimes struggle with lingering issues... and the first step towards reaching a better place can often be as simple as just recognizing that our negative inner self-talk is still running.

Last but not least, keeping in mind that physical things take up space not only in our attics and garages, but also in our minds. Whether we like it or not, a little piece of our brain space and psychological bandwidth tends to be occupied by thinking about needing to deal with those things. Wouldn't you rather free up that space for some more pleasant thoughts?

So, I invite you to gently use the next couple of weeks to not so much think about things you are going to DO in 2020, but about the things you want to LET GO of, before the New Year arrives!

Bright Blessings to all!

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Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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