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RE: Time and operational tempo

in #relaxation2 years ago

I was extremely fortunate that I have a long weekend every other week(perks of working 12 hour days) and was even more blessed that it fell so perfectly on the Christmas holiday weekend this year. It made if feel more of having vacation days than just my regular days off.

I usually avoid taking extra time off during Christmas so that one or two of the guy who work for me and have small children can put in for the time off. I try to use extra time during the Thanksgiving break as my wife, a teacher, is off the entire week and then I take extra time several times during her summer break.

There is no better gift from a boss than paid time off and I certainly hope you are able to enjoy it to its fullest!


I never used to like taking this time off as it's too hot and busy around the place but over the last 5 years got used to it. I was disappointed I wasn't getting it and then...Boom, the universe provided. 😊