
Actually the author of Genisis, believed to be Moses, who spent most of his life in a desert or herding sheep was very clear the Earth orbited around the sun. In Genesis he may not have explained it so succinctly but he was none the less very clear, lets look at Genesis 1:14 (KJV)

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

and for seasons

That is very uncomfortable for any evolutionist thinker...
If the sun orbitted around the earth, there would not be seasons.
It is only by the earth orbitting the sun with an angled axis can we have the seasons!

and on the topic of creation...

It seems to me that the blog above believes in the power or a Creator but does not believe the Creator can create something already aged, for example, the birds created were already able to fly or does the author believe they were just embrios waiting to hatch? If He can create an embrio, surely God can create a fully functioning animal, right?

The links to the whole series is at the bottom of this post, many of the questions you raise her are covered there.

I checked your links but I do not see you addressing these issues;

For Seasons

You need to explain how your long earth concept work within the biblical framework... Moses was very clear that moon and stars were for the seasons. The only explanation for this is planet earth on a 24 hour rotation (necessary for our gravity) with a tilted axis, orbitting around the sun.


Does the author believe;
1 God can create?
2 That God can create anything at any point in time?
These are the fundamental questions which I cannot find answers to within the posts listed.
Thank you and God bless

Coal can be produced in 36 weeks or less.. not millions of years

So now that the age of coal has been debunked, we can start to see that science is also learning and adjusting their views...
Given enough time, we might all believe in a young earth (ie circa 6,000 years)

Well if they didn't you can throw away the Bible since then it is obvious they didn't know a lot.

How was it obvious? The Old Testament keeps mentioning that the earth is fixed in place, but how else would YOU explain it, coming from their level of understanding of the cosmos? I mean, looking at the sky, everything about it would tell you that the heavens revolve around the earth, not the other way around.... It's easy to see that a theory with a moving earth would develop a little bit of skepticism...

Well so you made it clear that it's obvious that they didn't know what they were talking about then.

Sure, about how celestial bodies moved.... But you can be sure that they knew a whole lot about the human condition. Those stories are prehistoric. There was no science. But they weren't stupid. To write off the bible based on their lack of scientific knowledge is a little extreme. Might as well write off Dawkins and Hitchens because they don't know anything about philosophy.