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RE: Runner's Diaries: Week 1 of Marathon Training

in #running6 years ago

They way I coach marathon training is exactly like that: aim for 4 runs and if you miss one you still get 3.

How does the pace of the runs you have done this week compare to the pace you race 5k, 10k, half or full marathon?


My time for a 5k is about 27 minutes, and my time for a 10k around 1 hour 10 minutes. My half marathon time is about 2 hours 25 minutes. My pace can definitely improve, it's one of the things I'm really trying to focus on during this training. I'm naturally a very slow runner xD

It's going to sound strange but running slower will make you faster!

On your longer runs try listening to your breathing - it should be calm enough to be able to chat without pausing for breath.

Running slow enough to keep your breathing relaxed will encorage adaptation that builds aerobic endurance which is the key part of running long races like half and full marathons.

That's excellent news :D I usually run with a buddy, and we chat the whole way, without breathing mid-sentence. I guess I'll just keep it up. What's your take on interval training?

Useful - if anything just to give your body and mind something different to work on.

It's less important than low effort runs or pace practice and carries more injury risk (make sure you warm up properly) but it can help build strength and work on your running form.

I usually ask my runners to do an effort or hill session once a week.