Runner's Diaries: Week 1 of Marathon Training

in #running6 years ago (edited)

Week 1 of Marathon Training


Welcome to my first week of marathon training! My start wasn't very strong, as I was supposed to do 4 runs. Instead I had 3 runs, the last one being quite long. The program requires 20k in the first week, so I think 19.5k will do the trick. I'm sure week 2 will go better.




I feel pretty good right now. Nothing is sore or uncomfortable. My body is getting used to this. I excited for the weeks to come! Let me know if you're also training for a run, would love to know. See my 9.5k run's photos in the post linked below. Happy weekend!

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They way I coach marathon training is exactly like that: aim for 4 runs and if you miss one you still get 3.

How does the pace of the runs you have done this week compare to the pace you race 5k, 10k, half or full marathon?

My time for a 5k is about 27 minutes, and my time for a 10k around 1 hour 10 minutes. My half marathon time is about 2 hours 25 minutes. My pace can definitely improve, it's one of the things I'm really trying to focus on during this training. I'm naturally a very slow runner xD

It's going to sound strange but running slower will make you faster!

On your longer runs try listening to your breathing - it should be calm enough to be able to chat without pausing for breath.

Running slow enough to keep your breathing relaxed will encorage adaptation that builds aerobic endurance which is the key part of running long races like half and full marathons.

That's excellent news :D I usually run with a buddy, and we chat the whole way, without breathing mid-sentence. I guess I'll just keep it up. What's your take on interval training?

Useful - if anything just to give your body and mind something different to work on.

It's less important than low effort runs or pace practice and carries more injury risk (make sure you warm up properly) but it can help build strength and work on your running form.

I usually ask my runners to do an effort or hill session once a week.

Great work! Life gets in the way. Don’t beat yourself up for it or your running will suffer. Figure out what motivates you on days where you feel like you can’t get your Ass out the door to run. 😎

Very true. Thank you for the encouragement. Happy running! :)

We may train or peak for a certain race, but running is a lifetime sport.
Alberto Salazar

*Resteemed by @runningproject

Don’t forget to “Vote your Running Author of the Week”
and also The Steem Running Project: CALL FOR A "RUNNER WITNESS" and 4th Status Report

Wow training for the marathon that's great! When is it? Is it your first marathon? I will run my first marathon in 1 month.

Yes it's my first one! On the 7th of July. Good luck!

Good job! You are doing well for your first marathon. Listen to your body and rather undertrain than injure yourself. Did my first ultra marathon in 2017.

Ey! Muy buenos entrenamientos y tiempos! Te felicito! A seguir así!!! Saludos!

Gracias por el comentario! El traductor de Google me ayudó con esto. Feliz corriendo! :D

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