First Steemit Post... :( Note to self... It does not save

in #save7 years ago

Hey All,

Soooo in my noviceness I thought, I'm going to start my post and come back to finish it! I got it all typed up, pictures included. I marveled at it's glory. So proud, I thought, I'll go do some laundry, check on the baby and come back and put my final touches on this piece of beauty!

Well, I fell asleep... and I logged back in today... allll the sad faces. The daunting task of redoing everything, the loss of the moment with all my whit (haha!) How, how can I start anew? I will! I will push forward. But, until then... this is my first post. Short, no pictures, full of regret haha! So, note to self and word to the wise... finish what you start! Now, if that ain't a lesson to this procrastinating Momma?!

Love and Peace ya'll!


No worries Nicole, steemit is the place where everyone grows and learns, no one here will judge your authentic posts, we all have learned an grower a little more each time we post something , and the best thing is, it will actually pay off .So welcome to steemit! I'm definitely looking forward to watching you grow within our wonderful blockchain community

Thank you! Looking forward to posting more! Great community!

Welcome to steemit, you must be a wonder woman as you can taking care your house while being active on steemit. I hope you could enjoy

Haha! Thank you! As you can see, not so wonder woman at it yet lol! Nice to meet you and thank you for the welcome! :) Looking forward to the community, it seems great so far! :)

Pleasure is mine 😊 have a nice day