
When uploading on computer will be possible for common people I will be already death for at lest 5 minutes.

Interesting article anyway, thank you!

Who knows if any of us will ever benefit or if its good at all. At least I don't.

I agree it was a fun read...we all need to relax ..we are in Steemit not a convention for you guys are fun anyway. 👍

Observation an manipulation for experimentation has always been

Observation and...

this as specific as saying a forest of threes, as there are many species of threes

I don't follow, a forest of threes? What?


A link to what these are for further reading?

This allows to go deeper

This allows us...

processing power, now are possible to create tractograms

processing power, it is now possible to create...

Thanks for your help. I have no excuse.

You don't need one.

@justrryme90 got to love you for your mind 🚀...hey it was still a fun post...ok I admit I scanned the post ....I agree with you on these points @justtryme90 ... better hop over and visit your steemit mind sometimes... interesting word what are those? ok.. I love looking words up too ..

I'm just trying to provide some editorial suggestions to improve quality and ease of readability

yes, your comments are thorough .. I wrote another comment and when i went to the direct parent it disappeared...anyway no complaints here ..

I don't understand, why anyone would be interested in simulate a human brain, instead of creating a new human and teaching him whatever he wants. Your post was informative. Thanks

This is all super cool, but no way I could keep up with this kind of research! I'm definitely better suited to rocks. :)

The link for reference #8 appears to be broken.

Thanks. I really need to read that paper. I've been thinking quite a bit about backpropagation in neural networks lately, and how implausible it would be for a biological system to do it. I'm hoping that neuroscience eventually gives us more information about brain micro-structure, which may give some hints as to what's really going on.

And they don't really need to map the entire brain. Getting good detail on the visual pathway would be a great start. Then it would be nice to tie that into the part of the brain that holds onto a short term 3D model of our immediate surroundings to control body movement. I'm convinced that the two are very tightly bound.

On the topic of uploading one's brain into a machine, I'm relieved we are no where close to making that happen. Besides, I can't think of a worse type of prison: being able to think but not actively engage with one's surrounding environment. Just ask someone with a significant physical disability (blindness, complete loss of muscle control) ... it's the terror of being "trapped inside." And the whole idea reminds me of a particular H.P. Lovecraft short story that still gives me some anxiety. LOL

Fixed. Thanks for noticing.

Great post! This reminded me of Nick Bostrom's slightly scary book on Superintelligence.

We are quite a long way from being able to upload a brain of any organism and that is probably a good thing. The major problem appears to be the difficulty in the creation of a neurocomputational model. The technological challenges in scanning and processing are there, but the technology we have should be enough for extremely simple brains. The OpenWorm project, whose goal is to simulate the brain of an organism that has only 302 neurons, shows us exactly how complicated this process can be.

Precisely. Of course, the connectome of C. elegans is entirely finished and has been simulated for seconds as a proof of concept. The motor function of the process that is the only part being simulated as far as I can tell is at the moment at 30% at best. A stable simulation seems super distant.

Enjoyed ... upvoted and followed... nice to meet you.
Thanks for screensaver of the 3D map of individual synapsis.
The 11 dimensions mention is nice touch.
111 is a very sipritual connection for me so I like the reference to the number 11.

I occassionally post on neuro and quantum physics, etc. Great hobby... I am little person in a big world loving it.
❝How can anyone possibly get bored with people like you around?❞


by today's standards, we can probably simulate the processing power of a really slow dog and the encoding power of a fruit fly.

what does that tell us about the immediate danger of rouge AI?

As an AI is a stupid machine in an environment optimised for them. Not in vain the joke goes: you call it AI for investors (money) and Machine Learning for developers (patience). That much power could be enough, specially since the release of alphago zero (a machine that teaches itself without any input)

Just imagine a wild dog with access to simple buttons to deploy nukes.

The singularity is probably super far away. But one can know what takes from 1 to n. But from 0 to 1 it just needs a dedicated genius.

We always talk about how a lot of us would have a lot of explaining to our children to do if we had cell phones and facebook in the 80s. I guess if this brain mapping idea ever comes to fruition, I will have some explaining to do anyway.

Yo....if this is gonna be possible in my lifetime I AM OUT OF HERE. Nobody wanna see the some of the shit that i've seen hahaha

Brain mapping is a set of neuroscience techniques predicated on the mapping of (biological) quantities or properties onto spatial representations of the (human or non-human) brain resulting in maps.

I hope this never happens....

Thanks For Your Good Information I Like This.

nice my friend pliss vote and follow me

Wow, you put a lot into this, very complex. I have read and watched a lot of videos by Dr. Caroline Leaf regarding how the brain works and how to reprogram one's brain, it is fascinating. I believe the brain is built for eternity, heaven or hell, it's way too much to go into, however, the vastness is easier to comprehend looking at it from an eternal perspective. You can check out the videos on Youtube for more information.

i doubt my brain will ever fit in a digital environment .. i don't even see that happen in a qubit system with three states ... i'm quite an analogue person with about an infinite number of states between zero and one so thats gonna be frackin hard to approximate in a closed binary dataset

nice story tho

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thanks for share. resteem this post.

This is so on point...Nice post