Publish Or Perish – How Science Has Lost Its Soul To Money

in #science3 years ago


Get fast or get forgotten is the official motto of the scientific field. If you wanna survive in the jungle, making your mark once won’t be enough – you gotta fight for your spot continuously. Living in a world ruled by money, is this of any surprise?

In the middle of a so-called pandemic, this couldn’t ring more true. If science is the voice of reason, why are so many so-called scientists at war with each other? Maybe because objectivity and ethics have gone down the drain? They are running the wrong fucking race. Lying your way to success may give you temporary recognition and money, but it’ll permanently turn you into someone who lacks integrity.

We, the ignorant masses, are left with too big of a task – the one of separating truths from lies. Facts from fiction. Real science from fake science. How can we even proceed to attempt at doing such a task when our whole lives we’ve been served lies? Worse is that most of us aren’t even conscious of that – we’re still swallowing all the nonsense that’s getting forced into our mouths. Brb let me grab my kool-aid.

You gotta trust professionals because they have what you apparently don’t have – a.k.a this leverage over you called expertise. But what is expertise exactly? And who traces its limits? The experts themselves take care of all of that, what do you think! How could you even forget that the gods of science possess this magical power that makes them immune to bias, dead angles and subjectivity. Even when money is part of the equation (obviously!).

That’s why, in times of covid-19(84), they are the only ones allowed to speak in the name of everyone, namely us, the ignorant masses. Because truth be told, they know what’s best for us and it can only be coincidental if what’s best for us happens to be what’s best for their bank accounts.

These so-called scientists are conducting daily conspiracy theories but beware… if you ever call them out publicly on their bs, they will make use of my all time favorite coping mechanism, I’ve named projection. Sad story but true story, that’s what long term corruption does to people – makes you full of shit and incapable of seeing it.


Hello @steemityourway Science is corrupted when it is placed in the service of destruction