Energy Vampire

in #script4 years ago

Julian and Sarah sit on the floor, glasses of wine and a box of wine sit on a table that is really just an upside down cardboard box.
JULIAN You just gotta keep reminding your self CHEAP RENT!SARAH Yeah, sure.
She downs her wine and pours herself another from the box.
JULIAN (sotto voce) Hey, at least you don't have my roommate.
SARAH (sotto voce) Oh?
JULIAN (sotto voce) Yeah, he's always home.
SARAH (sotto voce) Why are we whispering?
JULIAN (sotto voce) It's what you do when you're talking about something behind someone's back.
SARAH Not if they're not around.
JULIAN (sotto voce) He could be ANYWHERE.
SARAH You're looking at my whole apartment. He's not here.
JULIAN You don't understand. He's ALWAYS around. Even when he's not around, he's IN HERE.
Julian points to his head.
You can't let him get to you, it's a waste of mental energy.
JULIAN No, seriously, he's an energy vampire.
SARAH Hey, you're no woo-woo guy. Knock that off.
JULIAN I mean really. It's awful. He tells these little lies that would normally add up to nothing, but it makes me doubt everything.SARAH Stop it. We're wasting breath on him right now.JULIAN I can't help it. Sometimes I just HATE him. I don't want to feel this way.
SARAH Don't give him power. If he hasn't murdered puppies, he's not worth hating.
JULIAN Oh no? He says he'll do things and he doesn't and he runs his heater when it's 70 out. Our March electric bill is 3 times what our July one is.
SARAH So he's an awful roommate, but you're the wasting energy on him.
JULIAN No. He sucks it out. He's an energy vampire. Literally.
SARAH Literally?JULIAN Shit! I knew we should whisper!
Julian points behind Sarah, and we see a cloud of mist solidify into the energy vampire, who picks up a multi-outlet and hisses at them then sinks his teeth into it.