Seven Day Black & White Challenge Day 4: A Sign of the Times - Mine, LOL @onceuponatime


The Challenge:
-- 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life --
-- Present one image every day for 7 days --
-- No people --
-- No explanation --
-- Nominate someone every day, although anyone can join in --
-- Use the tag #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags --

Thanks for challenging me @mariandavp.
Today I challenge @aumsong to join!

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I managed to find the way in this labyrint in less then 20 sec. 😉

Oh, good!!! I needed a new hero!

:-) I liked your input in this contest, became a big smile from that and its good to be in a funny mood ! Have a good weekend!

May your good mood last a lifetime!

Linking to your self with the QR code during a challenge is original for sure!

Lets see if you decode this one :D

Too cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Am I the only one who decoded this to ;-)

Once again, genius is in our midst! Congratulations!

Thank you. Good to know :-)

At least somebody gets it!

this one worked on my phone, yours doesn't :(

I guess your phone just doesn't like me. I can't really blame it, I'm not all that fond of phones either - so it's mutual.

Somebody.. im Rival and off course i get this👍. Did you like the post in the code?

My mighty rival.

Thank you holy @onceuponatime.
I hope you like my #steemcandle initiative.. every day a burn a virtual Steem candle for important things to think about in our world.. This is day #17 already

Ah your Steemit account. I thought for a moment it might be your wallet address... A good way to get BTC tips! 😀

I'll show you mine if you show me yours :-)

Oh yes... nice gray-scale :-)
Big hug from Ticino!

What do you mean gray-sale? I just couldn't afford any more black. No whales ever upvote me.

I mean grayscale... sorry for my bad english (usually Dee, does all the proofreading)... I think the "intensity" of your QR code is different from left to right...
... and ... haha... great message ;-)


You're awfully clever for a dummy :-)

Just one for it - Creative :)

you taking challenge interestingly good pic with hidden message :)

@onceuponatime - Oh Sir, I have failed to decode it :) But you made a nice BW entry today :)


I've also joined this photochallenge. your photo selection for this challenge is too good !

I think it is almost three good :-)

ha ha ha..... oww man!!!! you'r really too! (not three) funny . Love it.....

Reading the comments I'm thinking to be the only one who can't decrypt the code ;)

I guess you better break down, swallow your pride, and ask your hubby :-)

It was hard to wallow my pride, but I asked to my hubby. The result was the same: nothing :D lol

its give information this many source.

Haha good one!

Is this your sign logo @onceuponatime?


i want to join in the challenge. it's a sign logo.
am i right?
upvoted & resteemed

Scan it and see :-)

ok thanks

Pretty smart B&W sign.
Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.

"Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
Welcome to the final show"

ha ha ha ha

The final showdown.

I never thought of doing that, nice one

wonderful post
i like your post,thanks for sharing
have a nice day @onceuponatime
Upvote & restreemed

new look! all steemit is best

It is really challenge
Thanks @onceuponatime
Have a nice day

So many information hide in the code. Good or bad like our mind. Excellent photography, win the challenge. Thanks for sharing such a good post

Such a creative idea for put these looking photo click. Anyone don't mind to share this looking photography.

Wow awesome.......
100% like and resteem

Amazing photo. Thank you for sharing. Good luck to you and good.

such a wonderful post. thanks for sharing

Wow amazing work.
Upvote Resteem

day and night is very different for life, so is black with white that can distinguish everything.

That is awesome!!

That took me to the wallet lol ;p

Wow!! Its great. Sir I want for participate seven day color challenge contest. If I want to nominate one, will he join it or he who are continuing it?

great information
looking good there

Oh I thought it's your BTC wallet address :D You got a nice idea to make a BW photography :D


ahha ,best idea ever :)

I never use eSteem honestly ;)

hahah NOW that's a genius of a mind no doubt :)

interesting just scanned that took me to your blog :) nice idea

wow good stuff Great to to know i need a barcode scanner to decode will be checking it out once again once i download that app :D

quite good i see that :)

the best for the challenge dear good pic or code as we say : )

that was easy to go pass by :) haha but very interesting approach you have taken i like that :)

Wow ... very interesting thank you for sharing

just scanned it nice work dude :)

@ onceuponatime Ciao tesoro :-P Made me in a good mood with your "gray-scale" ha ha ha

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