Little Cherine Book 10 - BPost061

Cassie burst into tears when she read what Arthur said about her theory. Now she is both desperately wishing she hadn’t said it and hoping he is right. She got us all crying and that is something of a first for her. I’m not being catty, she literally never parades her misery and always is there to cheer up any of us that need it.

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Wendy asked Angelica, “What kind of spells are you thinking of trying? Maybe knowing from before would help me think of the right kind of music?”

“I don’t think it works like that. Remember when you helped with the magic bush of thorns? Your music was not created by you, it answered the magic and became the power the magic needed.”

“I think both of you are wrong.” Robbie never interferes or expresses an opinion to do with any talent we have that he does not, apart from encouraging and pressing us to develop it if we are being lazy, so they asked him why he thought so. “Instead of using your music to empower the spells, I think you should concentrate on Angelica, empowering her. The purer her energy and the more concentrated she is, the stronger her spells should be. As for what kind of spells, don’t try spells of destruction. Angel, can you create spells that affect emotions? It may seem to be unimportant since we can use our gifts to do so, but what if we lose our gifts and a mob is after us, you can’t use a spell to harm them so it would be nice if you could change the way they feel.”

“I think one of my teachers should be with me, I’ve never tried anything like this before.”

“How about we leave straight after the general Cherinian anniversary. It will be our new year gift to ourselves.” We grinned. If he’d kept an appointment diary, every page for the next six months would have shown his days to be fully booked up. He’s glad for an excuse to leave and we’ll be happy to have him spending his days with us again.

We gave advance warning that we’d be leaving directly after the anniversary - which was being celebrated in the Sparkler World. Everybody wanted to come with so we had to limit them. Five thousand Cherinians and thirty thousand Normals. From all realities of course.

Our plans have had to be cancelled! You won’t believe this! The Muyzith space station was converted for travelling with the help of their Cherinians and it arrived for our anniversary. Should I say its beauty was out of this world? For the first five days visitors were limited to officials and then we started ferrying Normals. Suddenly everyone is in love with the Muyzith.

They stayed for six weeks and then we helped them to the next reality. From there others will help them visit all the other realities. When we return we’ll take them to visit Orgg and Jeskine’s world.

Our departure for the reality of Christós was on the 9th of June PC36 and as Freddie jumped we were having a party inside for Bernadine’s birthday. Everyone has gone to bed so I’ll join them as we only have four hours to sleep and then we arrive.

Well, it seems our timing was off, Christós is not here. We are told he left four months ago and they have no idea where he is. We jumped to the reality of Jesus but he also was not at home. We were told he’d gone to visit alien friends. Since we are not in a great hurry and this is an interesting variation of our world, we stuck around and visited those countries that are not openly hostile. Angelica did not join us often and as the days went by her unease grew into worry. Robbie pulled her onto his lap.


“I’ve got his exact date of departure, would you like to come?”

“Can Wendy come?”

Robbie made a small platform with just the bare necessities, but he did coat it so that it would not be visible in the void. They jumped back to within minutes before Christós left. He left his body in the platform and went to ‘tag’ Christós. Within minutes he was back in his body.

“He went to another magical reality to visit their local Jesus. He was made welcome so it should be alright for us to join them.”

Angel shook her head. “Why is he still there four months later? We better watch secretly for a while.”

“I didn’t bring provisions for an extended stay love. We’ll first have to return to Freddie.”

“Give me a minute.” He laughed with delight, just like a kid, as Angelica filled the platform with food, water and chocolates. “I can get more if we need it.”

“You’re a useful girl to have with on expeditions like this one. Right, let’s go.”

As we originally found in the reality of Christós, they visit the void, but have not created Kaleidoscope Worlds. Robbie left his body and watched as Jesus and Christós talked, without listening to their conversations. After a couple of days he sensed Christós was steadily growing angrier. Robbie had also been puzzled, for this Jesus lives in a palace, dresses like a king and is abrupt with his staff.

“I will not stay here a minute longer, I’m returning to my reality. Do not visit, for you will not be welcomed.”

“You will not be going anywhere, this room has been sealed so that none of your spells work. When I return as ruler of your world I’ll decide what to do with you.”

Christós tried to attack, but as he’d been warned, he’d been cut off from his source. With a smile HRH Jesus walked out the door, his voice audible as he shouted for his top magi to join him. Angel spun towards Wendy, grabbing her arm. “Make certain dad stays here, he cannot fight magic.”

Wendy’s hand circled her wrist in a firm grasp. “You’re not going without me. Robert, wait for us.”

“Neither of you are going anywhere! Angelica, stop to think a moment. If you arrive on their world you’ll have hundreds or even thousands of magicians against you. Can you cast your spells from here?”

“Not from the void dad and you must not take the platform into normal space, they’ll sense you and use magic to trap us. A surprise attack to release Christós might work and I know he can then protect himself.”

“Can you perform magic as a soul or do you need your body?”

“I’ve never tried as a soul only! How can I test your idea without them sensing me?”

Robbie jumped them to us and Freddie jumped to the world of Jesus. “Try here. We should also ask his people and those of Christós to join you, it would be better the battle is fought in the other reality.”

“We can’t tell them dad.”

“Why not!”

I took our Angel’s side. “She is a wild factor, they will not be prepared for her. If the locals jump there, they will be sensed immediately and countered by their alternates. Angel and Wendy, leave your bodies and connected to each other try a spell here. Wendy, can you sing to her magic directly into her mind?”


Magic is possible even as a discorporate soul, but we were dismayed to see how weak her spells were - even with Wendy adding her support. We were surprised when Angel returned feeling triumphant.

Andrianos paid us a surprise visit. “You are safe?” He looked around. “Angelica, you have trained one of your family?”

“No, that was me.” She explained about Wendy helping and that she’d tried casting spells as a soul only. We could feel her glee that her conviction had been confirmed by Andrianos. “You could not sense who I was or where either?”

“This is an interesting development! Our Master was right, you are bringing changes because of your unique viewpoint. How does Wendy help you?” We explained about Arthur asking whether music is a form of magic that could guide and strengthen Angelica. He nodded. “It is similar to the idea used in Asia, they chant to assist their magi. They claim it helps focus and channel the energy in more powerful ways. I’ve been meaning to experiment.”

Robbie decided to ignore Angelica’s wishes and explained the quandary Christós, and we believe, Jesus are in. He listened without interrupting. Robbie ended off by explaining why Angelica did not want the local magi of both realities to be involved. “If they are as powerful as she fears they may be, then she should not face them on her own.”

“You heard them tell Christós that they intend invading his reality? Then there is no point in not taking the battle to their world.” He dipped his head to Angelica in respect. “The final choice is yours.”

She did not give a quick reply out of courtesy. She walked by herself and considered various options, called for Wendy and only after they’d jointly agreed, did she return to stand before Andrianos. “I do not believe they have the power to fight Christós without suffering large losses. Somehow they caught him unprepared and sealed the room before he could protect himself. If we sensed him correctly, he was not thinking of any possible dangers to himself, he was too filled with righteous wrath.”

Andrianos smiled. “He is as our Master, a compassionate man, but he does tend to see himself on the side of the angels so he forgets to consider possible threats to his wellbeing.” We all grinned because of our calling our little witch, Angel. “For the seal to have succeeded it must be very powerful, what are you planning?”


“My music is able to sense a rhythm to magic, a sort of pulse, a flow and ebb, as if it has a life of its own. I can either counter the flow, disrupt it, or else enhance and strengthen it by removing the tiny oscillations that tear at it like impurities. It is a possibility that my singing could guide Angelica’s counter spell.”

“If we break or weaken the spell to the point where Christós can fight back, then we can all join him.”

Angelica frowned. “Only when I call for you. Promise?”

Andrianos gave a wry grin. “I suspect he will find it humbling that his prior opponents have to fight to save him.”

Cherine almost glared at him. “Ironic perhaps but not humbling - not if he loves me for who I am.”

He bent his head to her. “He does, Heart of Life.” We stored it away as another title for her - so it goes with us, even in the midst of worries, we love to gather little teasing barbs to vex each other in ways that will make us laugh.

Cherine ignored us and from the way her eyes gleamed darkly as she turned to Robbie we instantly suspected what she planned. “I’m going with our two girls. I can focus and project their senses far better than any of you so that they are more efficient.”


He held out his arms and once she was within them he squeezed her as he cautioned, “Be careful my love, I don’t want to lose any of you.” She knew he intended secretly staying by their side to protect them, but she played along with his little fraud, feeling happy that he still cares that much for her that he will let her go while determined to protect her. Maybe that kind of love is sometimes a good reason for letting others fool you.

After collecting hundreds of mages we left. It was decided the team would consist only of the three girls and Andrianos. Then Andrianos suggested they take with them the man brought to us and who is still here and a mystery. We agreed, but felt like exploding with frustration; how is it that such a big group of telepaths still do not know the purpose of his presence. I’ve tried logic, but it does not give me any answers.

We’re very proud of Angelica. She did not rush and try to bulldoze her way in. Patiently each day she tested and experimented until she felt they had found the most effective way to force the spell to cancel itself within a few short minutes. Any longer would give HRH the time to realise what is happening and block her. As it was, even those few minutes took too long. Within a minute the weaver of the spell with his assistants arrived to fight her.

“What is fighting us? I have no record of such a power. Is it human?”

“Your majesty, I cannot get a clear signal. There is no hostile but known mage anywhere close by.”

A mage from China asked, “Could it be a legendary dragon? I do not sense a human.”

“Whatever it is, first concentrate on preserving the binding. If he contacts his source we’ll have a real fight on our hands.”

“Your majesty. Send in some soldiers to knock him senseless or else he might find a second to grab at his power.”

“Why not kill him?”

HRH gave the speaker a contemptuous glance and sent for an officer of his guards. “Knock the prisoner out and take him to the others. I’ll be with you to prevent him using magic.”

The girls stopped attacking and discretely followed as an unconscious Christós was carried into another building. They descended via a spiral staircase to the depth of one hundred and twenty metres. There was only one opening and Angel sensed the power in it so she held back. HRH imposed his will on the spell and it thrummed as if resisting him. The spell collapsed and they entered, the girls within inches of the head of Christós. Angel kept an eye on what was happening and what defences exist, while Cherine tried to enter the mind of Christós. His mind had been enclosed within a spell so she soon abandoned her effort.

They walked along a twenty metre concrete corridor lined with two inches thick bright steel. HRH released the next spell and the girls saw another corridor. It did not join their corridor, there was a gap of about two feet. They were unable to leave the passage to see what was outside the corridor as the open area was protected by a spell. Wendy sent out a note and as it echoed back to her she formed the impression of two spherical walls. After the next gap Wendy formed an image in her mind. She saw a vast cavern with a sphere with another sphere within it. Each were constructed of three foot thick concrete and lined with steel on the outer and inner side. Angel tested and discovered both inner and outer steel linings were fortified by spells, spells meant to block the source from any magi held in there.

The inner sphere was large enough for one hundred single bedrooms, some bathrooms, pantries, kitchens and two common seating areas. There were another twenty one prisoners held inside. Christós was dumped on a bed, HRH gloated and promised the prisoners there will soon be no free bedrooms. Each of the prisoners was a Jesus, all not known to us and one of them someone we’ve never met.


Cherine wanted to stay to communicate with the prisoners once their jailers leave, but Angel refused to risk it. She did not think they would be able to pass through the spells and it might be days or weeks before the way is opened again.

“As far as I could tell they are held deep underground within a concrete and steel sphere that is within a larger sphere. The spheres are not supported and float without touching anything. Both spheres have strong spells blocking out the energies of magic. There are now twenty one alternates of Jesus and one oriental man we did not recognise.”

They showed the face of the man and Andrianos thought it could be the Chinese mage who had taught our Jesus and then tried to kill him. It was likely he had succeeded in that reality and that was why, as the most powerful mage of his reality, he had been captured.

Andrianos crushed walnuts by holding two in his hand and closing his fist cracking them. He started off doing so for himself, but ended up giving to us all of them. “Angelica, tell me, why can the local Jesus never be as powerful a mage as ours is?”

“Because he’s evil?”

“That is only part of the answer - go to the heart of it.”

She sat with her chin in her hands as she thought. “I was told that magic is amoral, it does not care what you use it for. That means the strength must somehow be affected by the talent of the person. If both talents are equal then the person who is evil is at war with the good side of himself and therefore weaker.”

He smiled. “That is part of it, but isn’t a good person at war with the evil part of himself? I’m looking for a practical answer, not one of the fine theories Christós spins.”

We all tried contributing our ideas to Angel, but she did not think they were the answer he wanted. “I don’t know.”

“Because this one is a ruler. A ruler with many enemies I don’t doubt. It means he must keep himself aware of his enemies and remain prepared to defend himself at all times. Only part of his power can be used for conquering others.”

She lit up. “That means Christós can beat him if we free him.”

Cherine scowled at Angelica. “Think of what he said and take it a step further.” Even Andrianos frowned in thought. “Will Christós use the most powerful and destructive of his spells? Will this one? I’d say they are made equal by their personalities and their beliefs.” She grinned at Robbie. “See? I have learnt from you.” He laughed and flooded her heart.

“When we return in the morning, I want us to search for the deepest scratch on the surface of the steel. Since the steel will see the scratch as a less than perfect part of itself, it might be a weak point for us to get through to the concrete under it, despite the spell covering it.”

“How would that help?”

“Concrete is not even in density. If we can convince it that it is very old and help it crumble to dust we can tunnel a space to pass through into the inner sphere. We’ll then be attacking the inner steel layer from the side that is not protected by spells. If we can persuade the steel to explode inwards towards the inhabited area, it might pierce the spells.”

“That gets us in but then what? We’ll be just as helpless as the others.”

“Not us Wendy, the power of magic.”


Claudia clapped, “It would be like placing a fibre optic cable from the outside and magic would be directed or free to travel to the prisoners inside?”

They searched for hours, but the few scratch marks were very faint, despite so many shod feet having walked on the steel. They had almost given up, ready to rise to the top of the shaft, when Angelica gave a mental cry of triumph. Just by the edge of the tube, where the spells seemed to be the strongest, she saw the faint mark of a cut into the steel. It must have been a flaw from the steel factory. Andrianos insisted they return to their bodies and start working on the flaw when they are fresh next morning. That night Robbie took Angelica to the void and they did not share with us when they returned, but there was a wild gleam in her eyes. It took the entire day for them to get through to the concrete. Angelica set her ageing spell against the concrete with Andrianos and Wendy strengthening it and then they returned to Freddie.

“The spell will work its way on its own, but it will need time to convince all the concrete, maybe up to three days.”

Cassie theatrically groaned. “Why does it always take Jesus three days?”

On the third day they were able to compact the concrete so as to leave an opening all along the inner steel layer until they reached the opposite side of the sphere. Hopefully at the part of the sphere where the empty bedrooms are, Angelica pulled out of herself a tiny sphere in stasis. It had been geared to her thought patterns and she released it. Inside was an outer layer of energy holding a kernel of black energy powerfully compressed by Robbie. They had about fifteen seconds to get out of the area and then the black energy would explode.

As planned, the explosion happened, but it was far stronger than anticipated, blowing down partitions so that about eight rooms became one. Even as the prisoners rushed to see what had happened, we all rushed in to help ‘throw’ all the loose concrete into the new open area. Any magi who entered got peppered by concrete dust so they waited out of danger, but they sensed their ability to draw on the source strengthening. Robbie was with as the green void and he warned the girls to leave.

In the palace HRH felt his spell being torn and with another six of his most powerful followers he rushed to the shaft and was soon within the inner sphere. As the six of them entered, prepared for magical attacks, Robbie instantly enclosed them within stasis, careful to use three stasis fields so that he would not have to release them all at the same time, HRH enclosed within a stasis of his own.

We now took the time to move concrete out. HRH had sealed the inner entrance the moment he entered but in his hurry had left the outer entrances unsealed by spells. This made it easier for us to remove material to the surface. The greater the area between the steel layers the stronger we sensed our friends becoming. As matters were now, we had reached a stalemate. Unless HRH was released and he unsealed the entrance, none of them could get out. Robbie took on a form to discuss the situation with Christós.

“He can only draw from the same source as us and with so many of us, he cannot attack. There is little point in our attacking him as we need him to release the spells. He is no fool Robert, he knows that.”

“Since so many of you are his alternates, wouldn’t the spells obey you?”

“He has only attacked those who are different from him.” Sardonically he added, “If you think it advisable to find another evil alternate of ours, he might be able to free us. We’re at a stalemate Robert.”

“Do you know what happens when a game is at stalemate? You start a new game. Any ideas?”

By now all the alternates plus the Asian mage had sensed Robbie and knew he had no powers of magic. The powers he has did not seem worthy of their attention, so they ignored him and discussed between them what strategies they could think of. Christós remained by Robbie’s side as a sign of his support.


The mages were very angry with HRH and it did not take them long to reach the conclusion that they should torture him. They demanded that Robbie release the stasis.

“I regret it is not possible.”

“It is permanent? You fool, don’t you realise you have imprisoned all of us?”

“I refuse to release him for you to torture. I do not support one kind of evil against another.”

They decided they should use a spell to coerce his cooperation. Angelica knew that she and Christós alone could not protect Robbie so she instantly formed spells to block off the opening to the source. She projected as a woman of about thirty. With a look of delight on his face Robbie took her hands in his. “God! You are stunning!” The look in his eyes rid her of her nervousness and she faced the others.

“I am a student of his.” She pointed at Christós. “We came to free him and we would have been happy to be of service to all of you. Now that you have threatened my father I have no interest in freeing any of you. We’ll release this man and negotiate with him for our Jesus to be freed. You may all remain his guests for all I care.”

Christós touched her shoulder and turned her to him. “It is neither your way nor mine. Let your anger go, it only weakens you. Let me speak to them.” He faced them with a smile. “We have the time for us to think before snatching at answers that would damage us also. Let me tell you a story.” He sat on a bed and talked to them about Alexander and about himself. He spoke then of Cherine and they became fascinated. He told then of our Jesus and his attack and the way Robbie helped protect him. They moved to the sitting room area, poured wine and talked for hours.

Robbie led Angelica to another room so that they could speak in privacy. “God girl, why have you never come to our bed looking like this? Were you afraid I would fall in love with you as you are now?” He spent the time they waited wooing her and our little Angel will never again have any doubts that her natural beauty suffices to hold his heart.

Wendy and Cherine obeyed Angelica and did not make their presence known. They listened to Christós as he talked and if Cherine had been present in her body she would have been furiously blushing. The mages grew excited as they learnt of what is growing within so many realities and when Christós told them that he has been linked to Cherine, they almost forgot about their predicament and concentrated on convincing Christós that he should introduce them to her. Joyfully he laughed, having sensed her through his link.

“Cherine, may I introduce you as the light?” She knew he was being slightly nasty in his anticipation of their reactions and giggled in her mind. She waited for Robbie and Angelica to return to the room and then projected.

“Robert, release him.” Not one of them protested, but they instantly prepared a ring of defence around her. For HRH hardly a second had passed so he was startled by the sight of Cherine, Robbie and Angelica. He arrested the spell he had prepared.

“Who are you and how did you penetrate my defences?”

“Your questions will be answered in time. We first need to negotiate the release of your prisoners. Keep in mind that if they are your prisoners, so are you. None can leave without all leaving.”

A Jesus shook his fist. “If not for them you’d be dead by now.”

Laconically he replied, “If not for them, you would still be my prisoners.”

Christós felt an explanation might be in order. “Your spells have been breached and we are all in contact with the source.”


He sneered, “You are all fools! You were never cut off from the source, how could spells that emanate from the source disconnect you from the source? All you had to do is touch the energy of the spells. It would have been painful, but you would have had the ability to create spells of your own to attack me with.”

“You speak the truth without speaking the truth. How could any mage form spells when held in the agony of a spell created by another?”

He nodded, pleased. “I was counting on your lack of courage.”

Robbie wondered aloud, “I wonder why he is so calm? He now faces over twenty mages of equal power to him and yet he does not seem to fear them.”

“What is there to fear? I have taken over their worlds and have all the mages of over twenty realities to fight on my behalf.”

“I regret to advise you that you are wrong. I returned in time and collected all the most powerful of the mages of each reality, so they were absent when you arrived. They will join their own Jesus to fight you.” As was just said, he spoke the truth (in a sense, timewise) while not speaking the truth. What Robbie meant was that he would do so, so in a sense he already has, if it remains necessary.

Sorrowfully Cherine The Light asked, “Do not offer violence in my presence.” Instantly a penitent Robbie was on his knees before her. “I invite all of you to Freddie. Bring them to us Robert.” She touched his cheek and his eyes glowed from the love she sent him.

Cherine argued with me before they arrived. “I can’t do that Sam, how could you even ask?”

“Why not? You know of the effect you have as the light. All those who have talents and powers who are not Cherinians would fall at your feet and their hearts would soften if you went to them as the light.”

“It is bad enough I did it to a few to prevent a war that would have killed millions, I will never do what you ask of me Sam.”

Claudia nodded. “Free will?” Cherine nodded. “Is free will worth all the suffering and deaths?”

“Do you think I do not share? It is the only option - to do otherwise would kill the light, as Sam calls it.” Devastated by the thought we all fell silent.

A treaty was negotiated. HRH did not join them and watched his dreams crumble as they made their agreements. Christós offered to host a meeting with all the other alternates he’s found so that the treaty can be extended. They agreed that each is to keep to their own reality, but come to the defence of any attacked from outside their own reality. They added a clause that permitted them to attack if the alternate becomes a dictator or is harming his own people. As they joined us at the taverna to celebrate their agreement with a glass of wine, HRH stared at them with cold eyes.

“We’ll see for how long your treaty stands.”

“It will stand. We have also agreed to come to the defence of any reality that does not have magic if they are attacked by any of us - from whichever reality.”

Robbie glanced at me so I knew he wanted me to keep quiet. We already know that mages will help anti-Cherinians to fight Cherinians and help them dominate their own Normals. We’ll have to wait to see how it is that future can come about after their agreement today.

Christós took the time to show his appreciation to his own reality mages and those of Jesus who’d come with us to save him. They talked in earnest on their own for some time and then he returned to us with a smile. “They ask how it is a student of mine has grown so powerful within such a short time. I offered to resume teaching them.” He smiled at Angelica. “You came in search of me for a reason?”


“We had the idea of combining the magic of music with the magic you taught me. Wendy had already done so and affected the magic I was using at that time. I was afraid I might lose control so I wanted you to be by my side. Unfortunately we had to use the combination to free you...” and she shrugged.

He smiled and touched her hand. “You were wise, when you lose control of your powers, they can kill you. What you have done, it is part of your training, but I had thought you were not ready yet. I better train you before the two of you create wild magic.”

“Wild magic!” Angelica liked the sound of that and Christós was amused by her innocence. “I was thinking of adding Candy and Lua to our experiments. Dance is also a kind of magic isn’t it?”

“First you will explain to me in detail what you did to free us. We’ll take it from there my little angel.”

After we returned HRH to his world, still grimly emoting anger and hatred, Haven complained, “We should not have shown him how we outfought him. From now onwards he’ll watch the void also.”

I grinned at her. “A warrior should not allow her opponent some advance warning?”

“Grr!” Having given me advance warning she leapt at me and we tussled on the carpet, both of us giggling. Guess in whose arms I slept that night.

“Let’s do something nice for a change. We know the aliens I met in the future are friendly, so let’s go meet them.”

“Dressed like this? I haven’t anything decent to wear!” We erupted in uncontrollable laughter at the look on Robbie’s face. Rosie let him scoop her up, but she buried her face in his shirt as she squirmed with her laughter. He pulled at her face.

“I’m not certain they wear clothes, perhaps we should go to them in the nude?”

“Sure - if you have the guts.”

He laughed. “That is one dare I’ll not take you up on. You should have kept it for Allan.” He gave me a wink. “Just tying up some loose ends for Arthur.”

I watched the faces of the Normals listening to us. They were excited by the prospect of meeting another alien species. Since they had already been to three realities and watched Angelica and Wendy perform magic, they felt they were being offered more than promised and were happy. I guess they’ll bore their grandchildren someday with stories of their trip.

Robbie assumed the Hibarre are friendly, but he did not act on his assumption. He still has the map given to him, but it has been placed in our museum since he does not need it. He sent to Freddie which reality we should jump to and where. We arrived within four hours.

As we usually do at our first arrival, we appeared within the void. It was teeming with Kaleidoscope worlds! We would have been extremely excited, if not for the fact that Solomon sensed Sparklers on their way. Quickly he left with some of his thinkers while Leonidas and his thinkers went to meet the Hibarre and reassure them. Robbie had asked Leonidas to invite them into Freddie so we were disappointed when they returned alone.

“They refuse to believe that matter can exist in the void and see your invitation as an attempt to destroy their souls. I suggest Freddie withdraws so that they do not feel their Worlds are threatened.”

“Please notify them we are moving into normal space.”

Cherine was amused. “They might be friendly, but they’re not very trusting.”


“They made a valid point love. The universe is full of surprises and all species tend to fear surprises.”

“You’ve never feared surprises, you love them!”

“Not quite true love. It is true that I love them, but I also fear them. The biggest surprise of my life terrified me. Maybe that is why I loved it so much.” He grinned at her frown. “You must admit you were a terrifying surprise for a man who did not want to love.”

“You mean, who feared to love.”

“Why else not want to love?” She conceded him the point and curled up on his lap with a contented smile as he asked Freddie to jump. We arrived beyond their two moons. Well, there is a third but it is so small it doesn’t deserve to be called a moon.

“No space flight, not even satellites, and no space debris. I’m picking up radio and television. Just a moment.” Freddie zoomed in. “Surprisingly little technology for a world with television! No large vehicles. No wars going on that I can see. Atmosphere same as ours with minor variations but breathable. About sixty seven percent landmass. Small icecaps and every continent has large deserts. Largest city on this side about the size of Rome. Do you wish to beam them a message?”

“We must first set Claudia on them. Shall we go love?” The two of them left their bodies and stayed away for a large part of the day. We shared so we knew they were safe - it was just that the locals don’t like to talk very much, or else they use other methods. From the television shows Freddie placed on our screens we saw they did not talk often, so it seemed this was normal to them.

Robbie and Claudia barely made it back to us before a message was sent to us. “Robert Teller, please allow four of our leaders to visit you in Freddie.”

He pulled a face. “Not even a ‘welcome to our world’. Answer they may come, but do not offer transport, I’m curious how they will react since they don’t have spaceships.”

At first we rolled about on the floor with laughter - not only us but everyone, even the Normals and the aliens and serious people like the alternate of Robbie’s father with his young gypsy love. Ten minutes later we were anxious and eleven minutes after they rose off a field, Robbie dashed in to secure their lives. Even when we show the videos I doubt anyone who was not present will believe us. They made a platform of wickerwork, tied four big helium balloons to the corners and dropped the ballast. Within ten minutes it became obvious one of the balloons had a slow leak and the platform slowly started to tilt. Robbie had to enclose them within his energy to bring them to Freddie.

The four arrived obviously still shaking from fear. It took them half an hour before they spoke to explain. “It was kind of you Robert, but we fear heights. No other way to return us?”

“Why did you choose to come that way, all you had to do is ask us to collect you.”

“But...Sparklers told us of your preference.”


He appeared as a tall, stern old man, trying hard to overawe us. He felt Robbie and gave in. “It was suggested to us Robert.”

“By who? Never mind, I can guess. Cassie!”

Allan burst out laughing. “Actually, I’m to blame.”

Before Robbie could explode, Cassie and Jade admitted to them being part of the prank. They stood before Allan who was valiantly trying to smother his laughter. Robbie grinned. “I should have guessed, the three imps. How is it you died an old man and you are the most childlike of every adult I’ve ever met?”

Next [Book 10] - Post 062

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

  • posted: 18th May, 2020

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